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The List: The Most Anticipated MMOs of 2019

William Murphy Posted:
Columns The List 0

Ascent: Infinite Realm

Announced in 2017 at G-STAR, we even were able to send our own Joseph Bradford to the event to take part in an early preview of the ambitious MMORPG from Kakao Games (Black Desert) and Bluehole (TERA). But since then, things have been quiet, though the team’s been offering screens and artwork to keep us reminded that A:IR exists. Could this be the year we finally see the promised world launch of the Steampunk Fantasy MMO? And will it be a good game, or just another flash in the pan?

Bless Unleashed

To say that Bless Online had a rough 2018 would be an understatement. Still, the Neowiz MMORPG maintains a hardcore niche following in the West, and the XBOX One “sort of sequel” is due to launch in 2019. With a solid showing at PAX this past year, it could be that this second take on the game’s IP proves more impressive than the first. Built from the ground up on Unreal 4 with the XBOX One in mind, we should see some beta action and an official launch before the year’s up.

Torchlight Frontiers

When Torchlight 1 originally came out from Runic Games years ago, the goal was for the sequel to include co-op multiplayer, and Max and team said that if that proved successful the next goal would be to make a full-on Torchlight MMO. Well, Runic is gone, but much of the team is now at Echtra Games working alongside Perfect World Entertainment to make that long-awaited action MMORPG. We expect Torchlight Frontiers to land on PC and console this year, and from everything we’ve seen and played, it’ll be well worth the wait.

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Sometimes less than serious, in this space, we look back at the genre's history and far into the future to bring you a new list each week. Our countdowns are written by assorted members of the MMORPG.com Staff.


William Murphy

Bill is the former Managing Editor of MMORPG.com, RTSGuru.com, and lover of all things gaming. He's been playing and writing about MMOs and geekery since 2002, and you can harass him and his views on Twitter @thebillmurphy.