Dark or Light

The Eorzea Prospect: Nostalgia Train (Spoilers!)

Christopher Saxon Posted:
Columns The Eorzea Prospect 0

Just two weeks after launch of Shadowbringers we have our first content patch, and man was it awesome!  Welcome aboard the Nostalgia train, buckle up and prepare for spoilers!

Patch 5.01 was released last Tuesday, bringing new quests in the Chronicles of a New Era chain, along with a new area, The Empty, that includes our first raid dungeon. While many were probably expecting job balances, such as a healer balance, this didn’t happen. Instead we were greeted with a massive nostalgia train bringing us back to the Final Fantasy VIII days of yore. 



Immediately upon entering The Empty players are greeted with a soundtrack many will be familiar with, Blue Fields. For those that don’t know, Blue Fields is basically the theme music for Final Fantasy VIII, used as the overworld music. While this was a great addition, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

As you progress through the story to unlock the first raid you slowly, or maybe not, realize what you’re looking at. Then the name slaps you across the face and it dawns on you that you’re looking at a Guardian Force from FFVIII, Eden. What’s more, the very first encounter of the raid is Eden itself, including a return of the Eternal Breath ability.

Unfortunately, the rest of the 4 encounters were subpar in my opinion. While the first two were uniquely new, the remaining two were rehashes of old bosses Leviathan, and Titan. While Leviathan was arguably better than Titan, they were both mediocre at best.  I was expected much more from the raid after the first two bosses, but this is just the beginning so I can’t complain too much.

This update has paved the way ahead for greater content. Hopefully with less retreads and more unique encounters like Eden. But overall, I’m very excited to see what happens next!

So, how about those Frog Suits? I’m still searching for mine, I have yet to get to the FATE before it ends. I’ve even joined a hunt discord in hopes of getting the ping for it.  One day I shall have my frog suit, one day!


Christopher Saxon

Nurse, Gamer, and Freelance Journalist. Saving lives in game and out, nerding it out along the way!