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The Elder Scrolls Online - Exploring Tamriel: Fire, Ash, and Invasions

Kevin Chick Posted:
Columns Exploring Tamriel 0

The Elder Scrolls Online allows players to explore the world of Tamriel however they choose. I started with a High Elf Nightblade in this playthrough and have recently completed the Aldmeri Dominion faction. But I still have much more to explore as my adventures continue through the lands of the Ebonheart Pact. This short exploration of Stonefalls will give an overview of the environments and some of the challenges players will encounter in the Ebonheart Pack’s first main area.  


I rode out of Bal Foyen straight into a city under siege. Davon’s Watch lies on the northeast coast of Stonefalls and is surrounded by plains stripped by fire and buried in ash. To say much of eastern Stonefalls is bleak can be an understatement due to the active volcano Ash Mountain. Travelers exploring the region will mostly run into guar, netches, alits, and kagouti as the common wildlife.

Elder Scrolls Online

Davon’s Watch is an essential strategic military location for the Ebonheart Pack. It guards the coast against invasion. When I arrived at the gate, the defenders had recently repelled invaders from the Daggerfall Covenant. Passing the gate, I encountered Commander Holgunn, who was organizing the defenders. While the current attack was mainly over, a Dunmer named Tanval Indoril was already formulating plans to help drive off future raids that involved some form of ritual magic.

Elder Scrolls Online

I offered to help but was quickly told that the best use of my talents would be to investigate a nearby cave within the city’s proper that had been a source of recent rumors. After a short investigation, It shocked me to find a gateway to a pocket plane known as Crow’s Wood. This small part of the Evergloam, the realm ruled by Daedric Prince Nocturnal, is inhabited by various dangerous creatures. While most wildlife attack outright, the crows, known as the Blackfeather court, and the hag that call it home were at least willing to talk. Adventurers looking to get their feet wet exploring Daedric realms could do much worse than starting with this area.

Elder Scrolls Online

Due to my recent exploits outside of Tamriel, I quickly moved on from Crow’s Wood to an area known as the Starved Plain. This section of Stonefalls lies to the south of Davon’s Watch and is lifeless due to the constant eruption of the volcano. The plains start just outside the city walls and stretch to the foot of the volcano. As I rode past, I could see spirits of long-forgotten armies continuing their eternal fight and wondered if other travelers might have been caught up in the conflict after wandering too far off the road. I had also thought about exploring the shipwreck along the northern side of the volcano and a set of Dwemer ruins rumored to be located along the north slopes. However, I was reluctant to risk the lava flows with how active the volcano was in the area.

The road south continues on to what was once the town of Senie. Primarily inhabited by Dunmer and Argonians, this small village has now been mostly consumed by recent eruptions from Ash Mountain. Those looking for a bit of refuge from the heat will not find it here as shalk now infests the area’s burning homes and attack anything that draws too close. The relationship between residents has also fractured due to the formation of the Ebonheart Pact. Once, they had a master and slave relationship, But now the Argonians are free, and both peoples are unsure of how to interact with each other. To make matters even worse, kwama workers, which were used in local mining operations, have started to go wild and attack the locals.

After passing the charred building of Senie, travelers can find two sites of importance for the Dunmer. South is Othrenis, Dunmer tombs from the first era, and to the north, a path that leads to a ritual site near the peak of Ash Mountain. Remembering the plans I was told about in Davon’s Watch, I decided to take the time and explore Ash Mountain further. If what remains of a significant ritual site is still usable, I hope Tanval knows what he is doing.

Anyone looking for more typical adventures can look no further than central Stonefalls. Individuals with a specific skill set can delve into Emberflint Mine, where cultists have been reported recently to be gathering. While those who are not arachnophobic can, as an alternative, squash some spiders in Mephala’s Nest. If either area becomes too much, then shelter can be found nearby to the north in Fort Arand. For the historians interested in unearthing ancient stories, I suggest investigating the ruins surrounding a large set of stone figures to the west of the fort known as the Brothers of Strife. According to what the locals told me, these ruins were the site of an ancient battle between elven Chimer (Dunmer precursor), who worshipped Deadra, and human Nedes. 

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Located north of the Brothers of Strife is Stonefalls’ primary city, Ebonheart. This city brings Nords, Dark Elves, and Argonians together in one location. The city was traditionally separated between the south side, where the Dark Elves lived, and the north side, where the Argonians lived. Argonians even have their own Hist located in the northern area. Meanwhile, the Dunmer worships the Tribunal, which includes Almalexia, Viviec, and Sotha Sil, at three different shrines surrounding the city. Each shrine is dedicated to one of the three, and a higher-ranking follower often answers prayers.

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West of Ebonheart is one of the most interesting locals I found within Stonefalls outside of the two main volcanos. Vivec’s Antlers is a low-lying plain along the northern coast. It’s known for the unusual coral that grows around the local pools of water and dreugh that live nearby. The dreugh usually don’t harm outsiders. But recently, Covenant forces have encamped an army at Dagger’s Point and have been seen near the coral. 

Past the invasion force along the northern coast is also a cave known as Hightide Hollow. While I doubt it has anything to do with the Daggerfall Covenant forces, spiders and goblins have been seen going from and to the cave. This is a concern since just west of Hightide Hollow is mine and farmland. The Othrys family collects sulfur from the Sulfur Pools, and a short distance to the north, Hrogar’s Hold is a simple farm that may not be able to repel an attack from the goblins effectively.

As I made my way into the western part of Stonefalls, I continued to see signs of Covenant forces. Heimlyn Keep warned me away from the area due to some kind of magical plague. A member of House Telvanni informed me later that the keep was a quarantine vault from the time of the Chimer mages and that their house was responsible for ensuring its safety and protection. But recently, enemies had breached the wards.

North of the keep, the Argonian village of Lukiul Uxith was dealing with ongoing attacks from the Covenant, and this only seemed to get worse as I traveled to Fort Virak in the far northwest. Unless you feel the need to travel by foot or horse through the fort’s gate to The Rift, I suggest taking a ship to Eastmarch and then traveling south to The Rift. General Serien informed me that while the Pact forces have repelled the invaders in recent weeks, the Covenant is starting to raise the dead and take more ground.

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West of Heimlyn Keep is Lliath Temple. For those interested in learning more about the Tribunal, this may be the place to visit. Just be warned that Dunmer, who call themselves Ashlanders, have been frequenting the area recently. These tribal Dark Elves are nomads who follow the ancient customs of their people and venerate Daedra. It wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually came into direct conflict with the temple. On a side note, if there are any groups of adventures looking to help clear out goblins that are a recurring threat, you may wish to check out the Fungal Grotto. I took a pass through it myself to clear it out, but there were so many that I expect they will return in no time flat. 

Further south of the temple is the Sathram Plantation. I passed through this area quickly but was happy to find a Khajiit working the land. While they did work on behalf of a local Dark Elf family, it was nice to see a smiling face for once rather than those concerned about the next wave of invaders. Hopefully, it will last. 

Just east of the plantation, I cleared two areas of concern before moving on in case any denizens within caused trouble for the locals. Sheogorath’s Tongue ended up having several cultists of the mad god lurking around, and I did find a few Covenant scouts within Softloam Cavern. For anyone reading this, I expect it won’t take long for more to arrive or for something worse to move in.

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The final two areas I want to mention in this journal entry are heavily tied together. Kragenmoor is a city located in southwest Stonefalls. While it may seem typical at first, Grandmaster Omin Dres is responsible for overseeing the wards of the Tormented Spire that lies to the east. For those unfamiliar with the local geography, the Tormented Spire is the second active volcano in Stonefalls. When I asked why an entrance to the volcano existed, let alone was warded. All I received in response was the brothers needed to remain asleep.

I took that as my cue to move on from Stonefalls. Especially since a few guards around Kragenmoor started to look at me more closely after I asked questions about the volcano. A road south took me directly within the shadow of the Tormented Spire. I sincerely hope Tanval knows what he is doing with that plan. I, however, set my sights on Deshaan and the seat of the Tribunal’s power, the city of Mournhold. Can’t imagine them having issues with a High Elf poking their nose where it doesn’t belong.

Each month we take a look a few of the many zones on offer in The Elder Scrolls Online, guiding you through them like your glorified, Tamrielic tour guide. This is Exploring Tamriel.


Kevin Chick

Kevin “Xevrin” has a background in business administration, education, and programming. He is also an aspiring indie developer who has been writing/reviewing games for over five years. Before age 10, Kevin started playing video games on an Apple III with the Wizardry Series and an Atari console. He has been hooked on gaming ever since and loves following game industry news. In junior high, he branched out into tabletop gaming with the release of D&D 2nd Edition and has been a GM/DM for over 30 years. During his first year of university, Everquest was released, combining his favorite hobbies and locking in MMOs as his top genre.