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The 2015 E3 Takeover

Genese Davis Posted:
Columns Genese Davis 0

Every year tens of thousands pack the Los Angeles Convention Center to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo also known as E3. This year, MMORPG and I are excited to “takeover” E3 in conjunction with the ESA and E3 itself! Check out what we hope to achieve at E3 and learn more about our top-secret (or not so secret anymore) mission to bring gamers everywhere some exciting footage and behind the scenes sneak peaks.

The E3Takeover team will be given a list of quests and a time limit to achieve them! These quests will have us scouring prominent zones like the enticing Bethesda, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Capcom, and Sony areas, plus more remote zones such as the intriguing Infinite Fall, State of Play, Madfinger, and Hollow Tree Games. The Takeover team will be interviewing developers, testing out single and multi-player games, and then tweeting out these experiences and our opinions including how intuitive is the gameplay, what tech or game engine are we looking forward to most, how do the game mechanics feel, how do the graphics look and what dialogue or narrative aspects catch our eye. All this will be coming your way via our team’s twitter accounts: @E3 @GeneseDavis @OriginalPSP @iRachelLara @Blondnerd @PancakePow

To give you a little more insight on whom your takeover team is, we’ve included some descriptions of the gamers who are taking on E3 for this E3Takeover.

Yours truly, (Genese Davis):

As an author, gamer, TV/Web/Radio host, speaker, moderator (and just recently a brand new mom), my quest log tally is usually quite long. However, I do my best to collect all quest items and turn them in sooner rather than later. ;)

For books, my video game thriller, The Holder’s Dominion, is my latest novel, with two more novels in the works. I host MMORPG.com’s Youtube videos plus write and voice video game columns. I also write and create game lore, new species outlines, weapon designs, and zone creation. You can also find me traveling with Wizard World Comic Con, as I run their video game and writing panels, and I speak at the San Diego Comic Con and at literary and entertainment expos. For McFarland Publishing, I also write about the impact of video games on memory.

Paola Alejandra:

Paola is a gamer, host, streamer, and occasional cosplayer. She began her site PancakePow in 2011 and enjoys gaming for events such as Extra Life. Covering all kinds of gaming events, Paola looks forward to RPGs, FPS, and puzzle games most.

Patrick Scott Patterson:

A long-standing video game veteran, Patrick Scott Patterson has been playing video games since 1981 and been advocating for them probably just as long. He enjoys speaking on various videogame topics including violence in video games and writing on gaming and pop culture. He also holds high score video game records and speaks on gaming topics at conventions such as the San Diego Comic Con and Comicpalooza.

Brittany Brombacher:

Brittany is a video game blogger who has been running her site Blondenerd since 2011. Britt enjoys discussing her favorite video games and reviewing the gaming topics that interest her. The video game genres that she looks forward to most are RPGs and action/adventure.

Rachel Lara:

Rachel has been a gamer since she could hold a controller. She is also an actor, model, host, cosplayer, and legendary zombie slayer. When she’s not working on her next film, Rachel is speaking on various video game topics across the country at conventions such as SXSW and SDCC.

The E3Takeover team is comprised of people with different backgrounds but with two unifying themes in common: We love games and we are daringly passionate about the video game industry.

Every week, Holder's Dominion author Genese Davis opines about MMO gaming, the issues the genre faces, and the power of shaping online worlds.


Genese Davis

Genese Davis / Bimonthly, The Holder’s Dominion author Genese Davis opines about video games, the issues the industry faces, and the power of shaping online worlds. Find her on Twitter @GeneseDavis and GeneseDavis.com