Dark or Light

Telling Us What's Next

Victor Barreiro Jr. Posted:
Columns The Eorzea Prospect 0

Welcome back to Eorzea Reborn. While I’d like to regale you with adventures and tips for playing FFXIV, it’s been a rather illness-filled three weeks for me and my immediate family.

Simply put, I’ve barely played any video games since falling picking up a fever and colds, and my father’s going to undergo one of those magical kidney transplant things next week to keep him up and about. The transplant and my illnesses mean I’ve been unable to actually hug him in a month as a compromised immune system will make him ineligible for the transplant (or worse).

Not relevant to FFXIV, I know, but just thought you should know why I’m currently unable to follow through with my Lizzie Greenrainbow project. I’ll keep you updated though.

Back to Business: Previews for 3.1

That said, everything this week is meant to ramp up the hype for specific gameplay aspects of Final Fantasy XIX Patch  3.1.

Over the past two weeks, Square Enix has been teasing screenshots and a little lore regarding what we should expect in As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness.

First off, the main scenario. The 3.1 main scenario questline appears to be ramping up a storyline that aims to foster harmony (or some semblance of peace) between the people and the dragons as larger enemies loom.

As the main part of the scenario teaser says,

For a thousand years had they fought and died, certain of the justice of their cause, only to be told that their holy war was born of blood and betrayal. What then, for those brave men and women, thus stripped of their righteousness, but to despair? To deny the truth and decry its speakers? And what then for those whom they defamed but to hope on? To have faith in a brighter tomorrow?

I doubt we’ll be adapting a swords to plowshares approach to peace – that is, adapting military technologies and battle skills for more peaceful, civilian applications, but it’d be nice to think the conflict won’t be about good versus evil but more of ideological purpose.

After all, how are you going to wash away a millennium of animosity?

Void Ark teasers too!

Speaking of teasers, there’s also a teaser for the Void Ark on the FFXIV Lodestone, which was described slightly back during an earlier write-up.

Below is the teaser text for the Void Ark, a massive flying ship that reeks of death:

With advances in the usage of airships and amidst the arrival of the so-called “Great Sky Age,” there are those who ride their own airships through the skies seeking hidden lands and mystery.

They are known as “sky pirates.”

There has been a rumor spreading amongst the sky pirates of a ghost ship wandering across the skies – an ark filled with evil power that was created long ago by mages to run from cataclysm.

Now, one of the teaser images (See above) reminds me peculiarly of an earlier battle in The Lost City of Amdapor: Diabolos.

Maybe Diabolos’ brother Diabol-bro? It seems we’ll know more shortly.

Live Letter Incoming

Speaking of knowing more shortly, Square Enix also announced last week that the 25th Producer Live Letter for FFXIV would be out on Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 3:30 a.m. (PDT).

The upcoming Live Letter will serve as another Patch 3.1 preview, while they’ll also be entertaining questions regarding Lord of Verminion and the Exploratory Misssions system via the show.

I’ll be monitoring the live letter closely and will have a report for you as soon as I’m able to get the information out. Till then, I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! Cheers!


In this weekly column, Jatobi takes a look at the world of FFXIV and the many things going on in the endless adventure.


Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.