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Rounding Up a Plethora of Fansites and Podcasts

Shawn Schuster Posted:
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Getting the latest information about Crowfall is easy if you follow ArtCraft Entertainment on Twitter and Facebook, but sometimes it's nice to get much deeper into the community. Fansites have always been a great way to get like-minded gamers together to further discuss their favorite game, and despite the fact that Crowfall has yet to even set a concrete launch date, eager fans are already creating blogs, podcasts, and guilds.

Not that I can blame them. I started out in this industry ten years ago with a Guild Wars podcast, and I've always felt that fansites are invaluable when it comes to building a true MMO community.

So I've compiled a little guide to help you navigate the current active pre-launch fan sites available for Crowfall. This list is made up of English-language sites that I believe are (or will be) contributing to the Crowfall community in a positive way. I'm sure there will be many more once the game gets closer to launch, but these will help you squeeze every ounce of Crowfall news and views from your RSS feed reader up until beta and into launch.


Gold and Glory Podcast - http://www.goldandglorypodcast.com/

Hosted by popular MMO personality Arawulf and his friends Anhrez, Lethality, and Chief Sarcan (our very own Franklin Rinaldi), the GnG Podcast is a well-organized and well-produced show that often goes deep into the mechanics of Crowfall, even including interviews with the devs. The podcast is up to 12 episodes now, and they record live every other Tuesday at 10 p.m. EST at MMORPG's Twitch channel.

Crowscast - http://www.crowscall.com/category/crowcast/

Crowscast is a podcast supplement of the Crowscall fan site. So far, the show has eight episodes, but it hasn't been updated in four months. I'll keep my eye on this one to hopefully re-emerge when the game gets closer to launch.

Crowcast - http://www.spreaker.com/user/crowcast/crowfall-cast-ep-1

Not to be confused with Crowscast, this one also has eight episodes under its belt, but went on hiatus when the host got into a car accident in February. Luckily, he's alright and says he'll be back at it again soon. You can watch the show's Twitter for updates on when it will return. 

Crowns and Crows - http://www.twitch.tv/crownsandcrows

The Crowns and Crows show is a podcast and video livestream that records live every Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. EST. The hosts describe themselves as "a collection of MMO vets who want to discuss the full potential of Crowfall by not only digging through all the PR and Hype but hopefully participating in shaping its future."

Crowfall Radio - http://crowfallradio.com/

Yet another podcast on hiatus, Crowfall Radio is on this list because it has a strong pedigree and I believe it will be back. The host has already worked on popular Pirate101 and Wizard101 podcasts Ravenwood Radio, Pieces of Eight Radio, and Spiral Radio101, but he and his co-host had to take a break from the Crowfall podcast due to real life. Let's hope they'll be back before launch!


Guild Sites

Dragon Rose Knights - http://www.dragonroseknights.com/

As "possibly the very first Crowfall guild," the Dragon Rose Knights are determined to be the biggest and the best, as well. The guild's leaders have created a system to help create teams for the game, and they already have active forums and a blog ready to go.

Crowfall Wise Ones - http://crowfallwiseones.com/

The Order of the Wise Ones is a guild that's preparing for Crowfall's launch with a website and active forum. They currently have 65 members and are looking for more.

Official Guild Listing - http://community.crowfall.com/index.php?/forum/5-guilds/

If you're looking to get in early on a Crowfall guild, this is the best place to look. This section of the official forums contains the largest list of recruiting guilds, as well as several other guild-related discussions.

Blogs and News Hubs

Crowfall Fans - http://crowfallfans.com/

This one started out strong back in January with a nice design and layout, but has been silent for several months. Hopefully they pick things back up again closer to launch.

Crowscall - http://www.crowscall.com/

While the site itself isn't terribly active, it does feature a handy dev tracker that aggragates all posts made by the devs. It also features the Crowcast podcast, which is detailed in the podcast section above.

Eternal Crows - http://eternalcrows.com/

This fan site seems to focus on Crowfall news, although most of it is just pulled from other sites with very little commentary. The site also features a small, yet comprehensive guild directory. (http://crowfallguilds.com/)

Crush the Throne - http://crushthethrone.com/

Probably the largest and most active Crowfall forum, Crush the Throne highlights everything from the very latest news from the devs to a "Guild of the Month" feature and more.

CF.GG - http://www.cf.gg/

CF.GG is the hub site for the Crowns and Crows podcast, and aims to provide much more than what's heard and seen on the podcast. The site is pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate with not only news, but also guides, interviews, gameplay videos, and more.

If you have a Crowfall fan site to add to this list, let us know in the comments!


Shawn Schuster

Shawn Schuster is the former Editor-in-Chief at Massively.com and founder of the indie gaming review site Shoost.co. Shawn has been writing professionally about video games since 2008 and podcasting about games since 2005. When he's not leveling yet another alt, he's running his organic farm with his wife and four kids.