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PUBG Journal – Waving, Map Markers and Yes, That Actually Happened

Joseph Bradford Posted:
Columns 0

On this edition of PUBG Journal:

  • Shank and I wave to each other.
  • Joe (Ralph) and I Get a Chicken Dinner
  • And Brian Saves the Whole Team from Misadventure

Helping our team

Back in the early days of gaming with the Tawdry Crew, Shank and I realized that pretty much every game we play we can truly live out our South ParkWorld of Warcraft fantasies. In the Episode “Make Love, Not Warcraft,” Randy learns first hand that waving might be detrimental to his health.

This fascination with waving has driven us to critique each game we stumble upon by its ability to allow us to wave. In The Lord of the Rings Online waving is a simple emote, however, with other games we need to be more creative.

For Honor is when we realized a correlation with our waving and our win/loss ratio. The more games we started by abandoning our teammates, simply to wave at the outset, the more games we seemingly lost. However, waving isn’t something you can really do in For Honor, so we had to make do with what we had:

PUBG is another game that doesn’t exactly allow waving. However, that wasn’t going to stop us. Thanks to the ability to lean around corners, we realized if we awkwardly rocked our upper bodies, it would emulate waving. This has been a great morale boost – or the reason why we’ve lost matches. (Though I’m sure our attachment to belting out Backstreet Boys hits when PUBG is about listening to your surroundings hasn’t helped either.)

Marking the Map

In the last PUBG Journal, I mentioned we had names for every place on the map that differ from the names currently on there. I felt it would be prudent to share the map with you all for quick reference in the coming articles. Also, the marshes are totally the Midgewater Marshes, not the Cookback Bog like my more incorrect friends like to call it.  

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

In a rare move, Ralph and I actually employed some team work! As a result, we used tactics, the terrain and sheer grit to grind out the rarified Chicken Dinner – something we didn’t think would happen again for some time. We should have died so many times in the map, but the PUBG Gods were on our side. From protecting a river crossing from our position of strength to flanking the final enemy on our road to victory, this match had some great moments and flashes of brilliance – the likes of which we shall not see again for an age.

Oh, but the downside is that I wasn’t recording, instead livestreaming to Facebook – so the quality is subpar. However, Ralph did record and his vantage point is below. Here is the link to the Facebook stream for my view point.

Yes, this actually happened

Because of the chicken dinner (and the subsequent one I won with Pete the next day, but can’t upload the video because Shank called out my address during the recording….) the Universe deemed our week to be too good in PUBG and thus, balance had to be restored. What looked like a promising venture turned into a nightmare with all our hopes and dreams pinned on one man…

Any crazy escapades from your week in PUBG? Let us know in the comments below!


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore