Dark or Light

Noob Adventures in Destiny 2: Forsaken Part 2

William Gallon Posted:
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I spent a good amount of time playing more Destiny 2, playing through the story thinking I would get bored at some point and probably just jump straight into the Forsaken content.  I was wrong. 

While I am currently at level 38, I’m still working on the Warmind content, even though the minimum level to start Forsaken is at 30.  This is partially because I’m having a blast playing through all the story content, and partially because I’m getting absolutely punished in some areas going in with a lower than recommended power level.  I had read some previously that Forsaken has a bit of a steep power jump, so I’ve continued doing side activities to level up and get better gear, so I have an easier time running through missions.  This has led to me being over-leveled for everything since a bit before the end of the base game, though that doesn’t mean much when you are using old equipment.  I had picked up a ‘Graviton Lance’ from a quest reward and stretched it out long past it’s expected life at only 150 damage since I liked how it made everything explode left and right.  I was clearing my inventory and quickly dismantled it, making me hope that I didn’t make a mistake with that.

The end of the base game gave off some Halo 2 vibes, with a couple of the tried-and-true running sequences with explosions all over.  Even though they were a bit over the top, it was still a lot of fun to play through and felt like a great way to wrap up the original story.

Jumping into Crucible was as humiliating as I thought it would be, getting pummeled quickly when I jumped in.  I didn’t think about which weapon types would do better with the normalized damage in PvP, so I had to use the only couple of weapons I had equipped to try and fight for my team.  While I did get a handful of kills in each round, I’m pretty sure my K/D was under 1 each round.  Gambit was a bit better, since its more of a race to kill enemy NPCs and turn in their drops to spawn the final boss.  One person per team can periodically invade the enemy’s map and try to kill them to heal up their final boss and gain time to kill their own, and I had a good amount of luck jumping in and sneaking around for kills.

Running my dailies and weeklies has helped ramp up my power level quickly, as well as getting into the older strikes with groups so I can still kill some big bosses along the way and not miss out on too much content.  I’m hoping to be into Forsaken soon to possibly get into raiding after it’s released, if not a week afterwards.

Note: Our Xbox One copy of Destiny 2 was provided by PR