Dark or Light

It's That Time of Year!

Kelsey Fireheart Posted:
Columns 0

Pirate101 has got the holidays in swing with their 12 Days of the Spiral event, which is a cool calendar on their site! As the event name says, it will last only for 12 days and each day, they will reveal something great on the calendar. It could be new items in Crown Shop such as pets and/or mounts, new sale on bundles or free furniture.

I was able to pick up a free permanent green and red horse holiday themed mount, the Yuletide Pony Mount! There’s a contest currently running where you could win a whole pile of crowns, up to 60k Crowns, if you submit a great drawing of a Christmas topper which gets picked.

You also can now don candy cane wands and bring out very Christmasy mounts as well as pets and companions. There’s even new mounts and pets this year!! You can also decorate your pirate’s humble abode with Christmasy decorations that you can purchase from the Crown Shop or get from their cool Christmas presents laying around. From those presents, you can get free Christmas related items such as eyepatches, decorations, snacks, pets including unique Christmas pets not found elsewhere, and even temporary mounts. And of course gold! Can you say swag?!!

I’m serious, I am not kidding. Those red Christmas presents you see under the tree and in other places you actually can open to your inner child’s delight, errm, inner pirate’s delight? Eh, it can be both. It’s jolly fun! You better hurry though, before the holidays are over and they put all of those great things away for the year. Don’t miss out on the fun. Play Pirate101 today!

PSSST! Don’t forget to get your brand new cool wintery badge. Find the Frosty the Snowman, who is not a skyway boss, in the Skull Island Skyway behind Jonah Town. This literal snowman will give you the “Stay Frosty” badge if you only find him and touch him with your ship.

Stay frosty, indeed! Well met, Pirate101.