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Indie MMO Spotlight: Will Quinfall Fall Short?

Mitch Gassner Updated: Posted:
Columns Indie MMO Spotlight 0

Each week, we scour the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. This week, people wonder whether Quinfall is following in the footsteps of The Day Before, Britannia gets a development update video, and we posted our Review in Progress of The Wagadu Chronicles. Plenty of other stuff is also going on, so let’s quit wasting time and get started with this week’s Indie MMO Spotlight.


BitCraft celebrated the new year with a symbolic video on Twitter this week. Another tweet showed off something a little more in-game with a revamped forge model.


A new video was posted to Britaria’s Discord server, showing the progress the development team has made in advance of its upcoming Q1 Pre-Alpha. 

Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore

During Coreborn’s weekly livestream, viewers were called upon to help build a new town from scratch.


A Discord post outlines the new Gardening skill along with all of the other changes in the most recent update.


Patch 0.50.8528 buffed the Gloomfury droprate along with some other balance changes.


Ilysia has a post-holiday sale going on Meta right now. You can pick the game up for 30% off, or $9.99.

Project F4E

Week 2 of Project F4E’s Winter Event is underway.


Although it has been announced that the Qunifall Closed Beta will begin on January 30th, the Steam page still shows “Coming Soon.” Reddit threads are starting to pop up questioning the intent of the studio, with some claiming it will be the next The Day After. Much of this arose after an FAQ channel of the Quinfall Discord mentioned the use of ready-made assets, although our own Kanishka Thakur was already questioning Quinfall’s gameplay claims back in November 2023.


Name reservation will begin for Ravendawn’s release on January 9th. Reservation will only be available to Supporters, so be sure to pick up a supporter pack if you want to ensure you have your go-to name reserved.

Scars of Honor

Scars of Honor’s Kickstarter will launch on February 6th.


It has been a rough week for the Screeps community, with a heavy ban hammer coming as a result of exploits and multi-account use. A forum post detailed the events and resulting actions by the devs.

Ship of Heroes

Be sure to check out the Ship of Heroes’ 2023 recap that was posted this week.

Villagers & Heroes

A new issue of the Ardent Ledger was posted this week. The post recaps the highlights of 2023, including Villagers & Heroes being awarded Massively OP’s MMO Housing of the Year Award.

The Wagadu Chronicles

If you’ve been wondering if The Wagadu Chronicles is for you, our Review in Progress was posted this week.

Zenith: The Last City

Zenith held a Pre-Alpha Playtest this weekend, giving players a chance to check out some of the major changes coming this year. The announcement of the test also shared the reasoning behind the changes, which boils down to making Zenith a more sustainable project, ie. profitable.

Each week, Mitch scours the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. Join us in our weekly look at Indie MMORPGs.


Mitch Gassner

Part-time game reviewer, full-time gaming geek, Mitch was introduced to Pac-Man and Asteroids at Shakey's Pizza in the '70s and has been hooked on games ever since. Mitch has always had an opinion to share on anything gaming, but it wasn't until 2018 that he began his writing side hustle. Mitch currently writes about gaming and tech for MMORPG and Gamespace.com. You can find him on X @mitchgassner.