Each week, we scour the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. This week, Whitemoon Games shares a recap of TaernCon (image above), Zenith adds some rings and ruins to Skyland, Fractured Online is dealing with Server Wars, and multiple studios have Alpha and Beta tests incoming. Plenty of other stuff is also going on, so let’s quit wasting time and get started with this week’s Indie MMO Spotlight.
Anvil Empires
Anvil Empire’s next Pre-Alpha test is scheduled for Tuesday, July 25th. Considered a “major test,” the event will have a higher player count than previous tests. The test will also run longer than previous tests, assuming server stability can be maintained, and PvP is highly encouraged.
We’ve seen boats in previous BitCraft tweets, but this week we get a look at the Freighter. Step one, craft the goods. Step two, ship the goods. Step three, ???. Step four, profit!
Are you sailing for business or pleasure? pic.twitter.com/1Qr21h2iSe
— BitCraft (@BitCraftOnline) July 18, 2023
Broken Ranks
There should be a new patch (6.30) coming in the next few days. A full list of changes hasn’t been posted yet, but you can get a preview of the major changes in a recent blog post. And as expected, a short recap video of TaernCon 2023 was posted for those unable to experience the event in person.
Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore
Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore has officially entered Early Access on Steam. An introductory price of 24% off ($18.99) will run through July 25th. To coincide with the EA release, a new patch went live on Friday.
Eternal Tombs
Eternal Tombs (previously named War of Dragnorox) announced that a game reveal trailer would be coming on August 1st.
Fractured Online
Fractured Online’s Server Wars is underway! A patch with some minor tweaks and bug fixes was pushed out on Friday.
Gloria Victis
Get your weekly dose of updates with Update 368, including a Guild Castle free building contest that runs through the end of the month.
It was announced that Loftia would be available for the Nintendo Switch, along with PC/Mac. And for those interested in backing the game, the Kickstarter project goes live on August 1st.
Mad World
Mad Pass Season 2 is now live. The season will run through September 3, with rewards available through September 15th.
A new Dev Update was posted this week. The video covers the June Playtest details, the work being done post-playtest, and 3rd person mode and other QoL updates.
Stress Test 2 is coming your way on July 25th. Email invites have already been sent out, so check your spam folder if you haven’t gotten one yet. There was also a first-look livestream at the beginning of the week.
Project Gorgon
A new patch was pushed out on Thursday.
Prosperous Universe
Development Log #395 is out, and the topic is the release date for the Liquidity update.
A new tweet shared a screenshot of the finished character customization screen. It looks like you are going to spend a lot of time tweaking your character, and I am excited about that!
The customisation systems on the character creation screen are complete and they look great! ?? Currently, our team is working diligently to improve the interface to enhance the overall user experience. ??? We look forward to hearing your feedback as we continue to make… pic.twitter.com/C17wQlnK8R
— The Quinfall (@quinfall) July 21, 2023
The Open Beta begins on July 27th. Be sure to register your account before then.
Realm of the Mad God
It took less than a week for players to finish part one of the Pathfinders Pursuit Campaign. Part two of the campaign, Mission for Glory, runs through July 31st. And don’t forget, the Month of the Mad God starts on August 1st!
Valorbound’s latest developer spotlight is now on reddit.
Zenith: The Last City
Patch 1.3.2, Rings & Ruins, has been released. The patch adds new content along with a slew of bug fixes.