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Indie MMO Spotlight: So Many Patches And Updates

Mitch Gassner Posted:
Columns Indie MMO Spotlight 0

Each week, we scour the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. This week, it feels like every game got some sort of update. Along with that, we came across Cyborg Immortal, a new bullet-hell MMO for mobile (image above). Ravendawn also took a strong stance against botting, and The Qunifall released an AMA video in response to its Closed Beta feedback. Plenty of other stuff is also going on, so let’s quit wasting time and get started with this week’s Indie MMO Spotlight.

Anvil Empires

Anvil Empires has updated its first-quarter roadmap. Two additional Minor Tests have been  added to the schedule. The Minor Tests will be held on February 28th and March 13th, and are to be followed by a Major Test on March 27th. I would expect new testers to be chosen 48 hours before the tests begin. You can apply to be a tester on Anvil Empires’ Steam page.


Tired of the winter weather? BitCraft gives us a reprieve from the cold this week by taking us on a walk through a flower-filled meadow to remind us that spring is just around the corner.

Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore

Patch 12, Settlers’ Dawn, is now live. You can catch up on the changes by reading the patch notes and watching the weekly Blankhans Stream with special guest David, head of 3D and animation, discussing what makes the patch so special.

Cyborg Immortal

RotMG fans take notice. A new bullet hell MMO, Cyborg Immortal, is coming to iOS and Android. Cyborg Immortal held an open playtest this week, giving us a first look at the art style and gameplay. 


Dreamworld’s Weekly Developmental Release #142 has some performance-enhancing changes, including memory performance improvements and the addition of DLSS support.

Embers Adrift

A new roadmap has been released for Embers Adrift. Immediate priorities include a free trial that will encompass the entire content of the first zone.


Build 22.1 has been released. Those of you who are always searching for ever-higher frame rates will be pleased to know that the patch fixes a bug where attacks would miss while playing at high frame rates.

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore

Patch 2.9 went live on Steam on Wednesday. The patch notes are full of new craftable items, bug fixes, and balance changes.

Fractured Online

As promised, the Endgame Changer Test Server has been opened up to small groups and solo players


Two patches were pushed out this week. Patch 0.50.8582 added the community-requested enhancements to the stash, while patch 0.50.8595 added item linking in chat and bugfixes.


Dev Update #3 was posted this week. Along with news of the team’s participation in SPEEDRUN, a 10-week accelerator program held by venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, the team shares game design, engineering, art, and community updates.

Mad World

With Mad World now available on Steam, weekly maintenance and other updates can be found on Steam as well as the Mad World website. This includes Thursday’s Weekly Maintenance update as well as a February Login Event.

Mirage Online Classic

More details about the Monthly Online Competitions (MOCs) has been revealed.


Nightingale held a stress test on Friday. The test went so well that it was extended by a couple of hours. For those who didn’t get a chance to participate, PC specs and recommendations have been revealed, so at least you’ll know if your rig can run the game.


Patch 0.176 went live this week. The Maji Market is back to celebrate Luna New Year. Check out the details in the trailer below.

Prosperous Universe

Michi is back at it in Development Log #419. The big news of the week is that the German translation is now live.


Any questions you have about Quinfall’s Closed Beta may be answered in their first Closed Beta interview. The interview also has a bunch of gameplay video in the background.


Tavern Journal #2 was posted this week. The journal discusses open-world land and community land, along with an increase in the bonus value of Tradepacks and a buff to the early levels of fishing. 

Patch 1.0.1 also went live this week, with balance changes being the focus. The patch notes also mention the team’s strict stance on Botting - it’s not allowed! The team is committed to a zero-strike policy, and once your bot is discovered, your account will be banned. 

Scars of Honor

Scars of Honor’s Kickstarter is just around the corner. The team announced Early Bird specials will be available on February 6th, with Earl and High Council tiers at 57% off and White Knights getting 70% off. More information about the upcoming test phase was also released and can be found in the video below.

Star Sonata 2

Star Sonata 2 received a new server and client patch this week. Named Economic Assault 1.0, the patch included bug fixes, UI changes, and item changes.


Patch 0.88 is live, and it includes a new Farm Theme, new walk items, themed furniture, and pet cosmetics.

A Township Tale

Update V1. is live. The update is all about campsites, which are now available in-game.

Villagers & Heroes

Advance notice has been given that the Grinchta’s Lair Event Zone will be leaving V&H on Monday, February 12th. Consider yourself warned.

Zenith: The Last City

Ramen VR shared some new information about Zenith: The Last City’s next phase, which includes the transition to a free-to-play model - Zenith Nexus. The new model will include two game modes, Zenith: The Last City (the MMO we currently play) and the new co-op action adventure RPG, Zenith: Infinite Realms.


Mitch Gassner

Part-time game reviewer, full-time gaming geek. Introduced to Pac-Man and Asteroids at a Shakey's Pizza in the '70s and hooked on games ever since.