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Indie MMO Spotlight: Keeping Up With The Stars

Mitch Gassner Updated: Posted:
Columns Indie MMO Spotlight 0

Each week, we scour the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. This week, Chimeraland servers are on the chopping block, Book of Travels looks back at a shaky first year, and Foxhole gets a good review. There’s plenty of other stuff going on as well, so let’s quit wasting time and get started with this week’s Indie MMO Spotlight.

Aether Story

The Alpha 7 patch was released on Friday. The new release means a new set of goals to earn Alpha Tokens. There was a live stream of the patch release on the phanxgames Twitch channel. This is a small dev team and it didn’t take them long to work through some issues, but the stream gives some insight into why releases don’t always go as planned.


The weekly BitCraft Twitter vignette teases hairstyles by showing off a mohawk with the caption, “Find a look that fits your mood.” Judging by the way the other two characters are glaring at the one with the haircut, they don’t seem too approving of the look.

Book of Travels

The change list for update 0.20.3 can be found on BoT’s Steam page. TL:DR - the patch was mostly bug fixes and minor changes. A much better read would be the dev post reviewing the 12-month journey since BoT went into Early Access.


With the rebranding continuing, BRITARIA now has a new Discord invite link to share with your friends. Be sure you mention that $DREAD is trading at .00819993 USDC (as of Saturday morning), down from .01150434 USDC when it launched on October 6th.


Chimeraland underwent a series of server merges on Thursday. Thursday’s maintenance wasn’t all downsizing, though. Illustrious Beast Hunting Mode is now available, and the Illustrious Fiunned Fox can be evolved from a Snopine.

The Cycle: Frontier

Patch 2.2.0 went live on Wednesday. The patch primarily focused on armor penetration and damage mitigation tuning in an effort to better balance late-game power progression.

Embers Adrift

It’s official - Embers Adrift is now live! For anyone looking for some group-focused PvE action, this might be a game worth looking at.


Farwoods received an update to its cooking and brewing this week. You can find the full menu of new food and drink on the Farwoods Discord.


It’s time for a self-promoting plug. If you didn’t check it out already, my review of Foxhole was posted on Monday. Spoiler alert - I like the game.

Fractured Online

This week, a new patch that added world events to Aerhen and Terra was deployed. 

Gloria Victis

Weekly Update 337 comes to us this week in video form.

Haven & Hearth

A new forum post outlines the progress the team has made recently. 


The first round of alpha testers has been selected. If you weren’t chosen, your survey will be kept on file and you may get your chance to join in at a later date. The test is under NDA, so it could be some time before any of us non-testers see or hear anything about how the test is going.

Project Gorgon

Project Gorgon received an update this week, and the patch notes are massive.

Prosperous Universe

It’s been a while, but Development Log #356 is back in full force, with both Michi and Nick discussing last week’s progress.

Realm of the Mad God

To celebrate World Food Day (October 16th), the Appetizer will be in-game and ready to fight through October 17th.

Scars of Honor

Remember how last week I announced that the SoH team announced they would have an announcement on Wednesday? I am now announcing that they did indeed share the announcement they had announced. What did they announce? Well, the announcement was that the next playtest will run from October 24th through the 30th. The playtest will include player mounts, the new player races of Undead and Dwarves, and more.


A new update to Screeps Arena has added full IntelliSense support to the game. 


Dev Update 4 has been posted on Medium. In the update, Studio Head Sheldon talks about what players can expect from Starkeepers.


It’s another Weekly Devblog! Read it to find out about an upcoming AMA, combat prototyping, and an update to fishing dock NPC interactions.


A State of the Game announcement was posted to the Valorbound Discord this week. The post covered character customization and, more specifically, hair.

Villagers & Heroes

The Haunted Moors event is now live. Along with the event, patch 4.85.6 also had a couple of minor changes and a boatload of bug fixes.

War of Dragnorox

The Elitist Jerks podcast interviewed Josh Caba, Creative Director of Triune Studios. Lore, mechanics, and much more were discussed in the hour-and-a-half episode.


Mitch Gassner

Part-time game reviewer, full-time gaming geek. Introduced to Pac-Man and Asteroids at a Shakey's Pizza in the '70s and hooked on games ever since.