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From the Warp - Rounding Out Convention Season

Garrett Fuller Posted:
Columns Garrett Fuller 0

Next month is a big month for gamers. Sure July is marked by San Diego Comicon and pop culture madness but August belongs to the gamers in all of us. There are three major conventions to check out this year all happening in different parts of the globe.


The classic table top old school Daddy of them all Gencon is the birthplace of the game convention.

I mean talk about awesome I was four years old when this add came out. Frizt Leiber are you kidding! Fafner and the Grey Mouser are all over it! GenCon continues to be the most hardcore game convention of them all. While it still caters highly to the paper and pencil game industry, don’t fool yourself if video game developers are always walking around the floor. New ideas spring forth from the many worlds that were born at GenCon. If you get the chance to go, enjoy and tell us about your trip!


The monster European show that descends onto Cologne, Germany each year. GamesCom is massive. It is what E3 should be.  Huge booths, tons of swag and open to all! The roaring crowds at San Diego have nothing on the crazy show that is GamesCom. Even back when it was in Leipzig the show was pulling in close to 400K fans.

There will be a lot of announcements at GamesCom this year if they follow the trend from last year. NCSoft is showing off its new game for the first time and other companies usually save some announcement for the European fans. Expect some big news on games we know and games we may not have heard of!


By far my favorite game convention ever! PAX and PAX East have become the bookends of the convention season. Both shows do incredibly well and most importnatly they are open to fans! PAX Seattle comes right after GamesCom so we’re not sure what major announcements will take place at the show. Still, Gabe and Tycho do the best for the fans and PAX is always great fun. The month should start out and end with a bang as we prepare for the real ramp up of the summer season.

So as the summer heat wave continues keep faith that some major game announcements will come in like an air conditioner from the haze. If you are going to any of these shows let us know. Our teams will be running around causing all kinds of trouble and getting the best news the game industry has to offer. Hope to see you there!


Garrett Fuller

Garrett Fuller / Garrett Fuller has been playing MMOs since 1997 and writing about them since 2005. He joined MMORPG.com has a volunteer writer and now handles Industry Relations for the website. He has been gaming since 1979 when his cousin showed him a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. When not spending time with his family, Garrett also Larps and plays Airsoft in his spare time.