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Five Expectations for Torment: Tides of Numenera

Garrett Fuller Posted:
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There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about Tides of Numenera, the latest RPG that is coming out from InXile. It is important because InXile was able to Kickstart the game and has now built a solid product we can all look forward to. It seems like crowd funding is the only way these types of games are being made any more. However, with Torment being on everyone’s mind, maybe publishers will start to turn their eyes on the RPG genre again. 

Here are some of the expectations we have for this title as it hits in just a few weeks:

5. An Homage to Planescape

For fans of the original game back in 1999. Torment was initially part of the D&D franchise Planescape. It is how the game removed itself from the classic fantasy settings and built upon its strange universe. At the time D&D was trying out new genres for adventure and Planescape had a unique following. Even though Tides of Numenera does not relate to the original game we hope that there is some homage to its founding father. Any legalese aside, we hope the games can find a common ground in the consciousness of the fans.

4. Choices and Consequences

For everyone all RPGs are about choice. However, lasting choice is critical and seeing the impact of that in a game world enhances the experience for a player. Anytime you save a village as a hero and then arrive there later, it is great to see the effect on NPCs. How Torment will treat cause and effect is almost wired into the game’s DNA. It is all about depth, plot, and story, so the key choices you make have to be reflected in the game itself. Because the RPG relies on solving problems without just killing everyone with a sword, it is important to find the value within the consequences the game offers. Let’s hope the game delivers.

3. The Future World

I am not sure what to call this part, but Torment sort of plays like a dream. It is the outside weirdness of the world you explore that makes it interesting. Kind of like watching a David Lynch movie, except that as a player the whole thing makes sense. Torment should be different, it is designed to make you think and imagine in a whole new way. Is there such a thing as too weird in games? Well maybe, but Torment takes the right approach by being different and yet making sense at the same time. For the player, it are surprised by new experiences which add up to a gratifying human response.

2. Building on a New Standard for RPGs

The game industry seems to have moved away from RPGs in several areas. Now, before you quote Final Fantasy or the Witcher to me, I know that the last 3 years have seen RPGs come to the forefront of games. However, so much money is being spent on MOBAs, arena shooters, and quick wins that there has been a lack of depth in the overall game market. So, with Torment we hope to continue to see a shift from the industry itself. More storytelling and more choices for players. Less quick mindless gameplay and more thinking.

1. Depth and Many Solid Endings

Once you play through a game like Torment that makes you think, you need to come out of it with something. InXile should have done their homework, they usually do, and put a solid ending (or several) into the game. Any time you touch on subject matter that borders on the metaphysical, you need to make sure the ending has a point. I am not saying to wrap it up in some perfect package, not at all. However, you are taking your player on a journey. You need to make sure there is some kind of destination when they feel satisfied by the ending. We have high hopes for Torment, let’s also hope it delivers. 

Sometimes less than serious, in this space, we look back at the genre's history and far into the future to bring you a new list each week. Our countdowns are written by assorted members of the MMORPG.com Staff.


Garrett Fuller

Garrett Fuller / Garrett Fuller has been playing MMOs since 1997 and writing about them since 2005. He joined MMORPG.com has a volunteer writer and now handles Industry Relations for the website. He has been gaming since 1979 when his cousin showed him a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. When not spending time with his family, Garrett also Larps and plays Airsoft in his spare time.