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Final Fantasy XIV: New Events, Free Game Time!

Christopher Saxon Posted:
Columns The Eorzea Prospect 0

Hello again my awesome gamer friends, and welcome back to another edition of The Eorzea Prospect!  I hope everything has been good with you over the past week, and the game is still holding your attention in these last couple of lag months!  Only 79 more days until early access starts for Shadowbringers… HYPE!

It’s been a slow week for me as I’ve been rather busy with other business, but I did manage to finish a couple things, one being the 4.56 MSQ, and boy was I disappointed.  Spoiler alert coming, if you don’t want to be spoiled, please skip over the giant yellow SPOILER ALERT below.

Before I get into the spoiler content let’s check out the current events happening in game!

If you haven’t completed your Easter themed event yet, get to it!  You only have a week left.  While this may not be exciting for some, for those like me that collect glamour gear it nets a nice Spriggan outfit!

The event isn’t very long, but it does take some active participation.  You’re given a riddle to solve to find the Eggs in the form of a map with lots of letters. Don’t worry though, there’s plenty of guides available to help if you get stuck!

That’s right any account that has been inactive for at least 30 days can return to play the game for 7 full days free of charge!  You get 168 hours to play that starts the moment you log into the game, this means the 7-day timer begins when you login on the launcher.  This can be a bit deceiving, so I wanted to clarify the fine print for you.  While you get 168 hours, its really just 7 days from the moment you log in.

Let’s jump into the Spoiler Zone now!


I can honestly say I’m not in the minority when I say this, but the 4.56 MSQ was weak. While we got some closure, and we did get some insight on the expansion, it was only 2 quests and a bit of a letdown to me. The Zenos fight was meh, we got to play Hien, so what, ultimately the heroes fall and we, the players, arrive on the scene to defeat the mighty Zenos impersonator.  It never showed what happened to Hien, Yugiri, or Lyse, are they dead, alive, other?  I don’t know about you, but I was just utterly disappointed.  The climax of the awesome story leading up the 4.56 was a total shutdown to me. If Square Enix’s plan was to kill the Stormblood to prepare for the expansion, they did a damn good job.  I went from super excited to just bored in a matter of two quests.

We have 79 days to go before Early Access begins.  What will they do to keep our attention now?  Sure, we have seasonal events, and yeah there’s a nice FFXV crossover event coming this week, but what’s next?  I’m not too sure to be completely honest, and that saddens me.

With that said, it is what it is.  Stories come and go, we can’t have them last forever.  I just wish they did a bit more with it instead of just throwing it away. Here’s to hoping something fresh comes in the coming weeks to hold our attention just a little while longer!


I want to start something with this column.  Maybe drum up some audience participation, I want to hear from you! Send me a PM here with anything you’d like to see me do in the coming weeks, send me questions, just get involved!  One way to do this is I’d like to post a screenshot or artwork produced by you at the end of each article!  Want your chance to get mentioned?  Submit your best / funniest screenshots, or personal artwork based on FFXIV to my inbox!  I will choose one each article and post it at the bottom.  Be active, get involved, let’s make this column great!

I hope to hear from you all!  See you next time!!

In this weekly column, Jatobi takes a look at the world of FFXIV and the many things going on in the endless adventure.


Christopher Saxon

Since joining MMORPG.com as a freelance writer in 2015, Chris has shared his passion for JRPGs and MMORPGs with readers. When he's not gaming, he's often found enjoying anime or spending time with friends and family.