Greetings again, and welcome back to another edition of The Eorzea Prospect! How has FFXIV treated you this past week?
Things are heating up for me, and it’s not just the summer weather causing it! I’ve kept myself busy with a couple things, notably Snake EX, (Big shout out to my guild, pandemonium for allowing me to learn this fight!!!), and the FFXV crossover event. The real meat and potatoes of this week comes at the end of the writeup, so stick around until the end, it’s EPIC!
This past week started off with a bang with patch 4.57 released on Monday the 22nd, bringing a host of changes, and the highly anticipated world visit option. With the developers focusing on preparing us for the expansion, patch 4.57 made a couple adjustments to loot drops from key dungeons and raids. The weekly restriction on Alphascape Crystalloids, as well as the weekly restriction on rewards obtained from coffers and Mullondeis Coins from Orbonne Monastery have been removed! They’ve also adjusted Eureka, making it slightly more profitable. Lots of good changes involved here, head over to the patch notes to read them all (you probably already have!)
Have you started your FFXV Crossover event yet? I just hopped in this week. Not only have I begun the questline, I’ve also made my first endeavor into the Gold Saucer to earn my MGP.
I’m not too far in, I think, but so far, the quest line has been great. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between Cid and Noctis. It’s almost a shame this isn’t a permanent feature of the game.
I stepped away from the questline for a while to start working on my MGP. You need 200,000 MGP to get that sweet Regalia mount. I’m not sure I’ll make it at my pace, but I’m trying my best! I started playing Triple Triad, I sort of got hooked… I have no cards, and I really don’t want to buy any with my MGP, so it’s rather conflicting right now. Got any tips for a newbie?
You’re probably wondering what the EPIC news is, well here it is. I will be attending a special Shadowbringers event in the coming weeks to be one of the first in the world to play hands on with the expansion! On top of that, how’s an interview with Yoshi-P sound? This is going to be an epic event, and I get to meet and interview Yoshi-P, it doesn’t get any better than this!
I want to hear from you! Do you have any questions pertaining to the expansion you’d like answered? Send them my way! Click on my name and send me a PM, be as detailed as you’d like. I will choose a select number of questions and do my best to get them answered. Here’s your chance for an awesome shoutout! What are you waiting for? Hurry, time is limited!
Until next time!