Dark or Light

Exploring Tamriel: The Trees and Ruins of Grahtwood 

Kevin Chick Posted:
Columns Exploring Tamriel 0

The Elder Scrolls Online allows players to explore the world of Tamriel however they choose. In this playthrough, I started with the Aldmeri Dominion faction. This short exploration of the Grahtwood zone will give an idea of what challenges one could encounter in the faction’s third area and some points of interest not to miss out on.  



Grahtwood is currently the seat of the Aldmeri Dominion. Queen Ayrenn has decreed that the tree city of Elden Root will serve as the faction’s capital. The region consists primarily of a deep verdant forest that contains the Bosmer (Wood Elf) tree homes and various ancient ruins. Those exploring the deeper parts of the wood can expect to encounter a large variety of wildlife and spirits. Spriggans, lurchers, thunderbugs, giant wasps, spiders, nereids, alits, giant bats, monkeys, and lycanthropes are just to name a few. Don’t forget to watch out for the occasional skeever as well that lurks among the ruins.   

Upon first arriving in Grahtwood, I sighed as I peered at the port of Haven from the ship. The journey to the port town was pleasant enough, but we arrived to find it under attack by a group known as the Jackdaws. The captain, fearing for her ship, refused to approach the shore due to the ongoing conflict. With the attacking pirates seemingly intent on holding the port, there was nothing for it but to jump over the rail with a quick thought of “For the Queen!” and swim to shore.  

Once on dry land, I quickly located some of the surviving marines. Haven was completely overrun, and while I did what I could, others may have better luck than I did in resolving the conflict. I did find a couple of things concerning while speaking with the locals. General Endare pulled the Jade Dragoons from Haven shortly before the Jackdaws attack, and there seems to be some indication of the pirates using necromancy to bolster their numbers.

I managed to help the locals shore up their defenses before sneaking past the Jackdaws and heading west towards the town of Southpoint. Along the way to the former Imperial stronghold, travelers may wish to explore off the beaten path. There are rumors of hidden treasure in some of the coastal caves, and at one point, I was shocked to find an encampment of Argonian refugees.

The Argonians were once members of the Ebonheart Pact. Enslaved by the Dark Elves, this group had fled their home, searching for a new life. Dominion marines are watching over the area known as the Grey Mire while trying to determine if the Argonians will be accepted as a new members of the Dominion or told to move on. While only a few Argonians seemed secretive, most were happy to talk about their culture and history.

One thing I didn’t expect to find in the middle of a Bosmer forest was a Carnival from Summerset, only a short distance northwest of Haven. Led by Sarandel, it seems this traveling troop is having problems appealing to an audience of primarily Bosmer. I managed to provide some advice from my limited travels and local a book of historical Bosmer tales for the resident storyteller. But they seemed to be fighting an uphill battle to keep the audience's attention with the various acts.   

On a darker note, during my wanderings, I did come across an area known as the Bone Orchard. The place was infested with Worm Cultists and their undead. They were digging up large bones of creatures I didn’t immediately recognize. An unusually talkative skull named Dringoth tried explaining the situation, but he didn’t make much sense. After investigating further, I couldn't enter the barrow in the center of the orchard to learn more. I placed Dringoth in a location where I hope others with more patients and skill than I can easily find him.

Those travelers who have more time to spare in their wanderings may also want to investigate the local delves. I spotted Covenant Redguards around the runs of Ne Salas. There are also rumors of a criminal hiding somewhere within Mobar Mines. More importantly, I imagine that if the Worm Cult is digging up old bones in one area, then they are likely causing problems among some of the other ruins.

I had hoped that by traveling to Southpoint, I could inform the local officials of the attack on Haven. But it seems the town has its share of problems already. There were reports of residents attacking one another in the streets and random lightning strikes. Inserting myself into the situation was not my idea of a fun time, but the marines outside the town seemed out of their depth. I did manage to confirm that locals are suffering from some form of madness, and one local was responsible for the lightning. How he acquired the ability to throw lightning, I have no idea. But at least someone can now talk him down or deal with the issue more permanently if necessary. Mutterings from locals also indicated that the mayor is in some way responsible.

When traveling north, away from the coastline, many will encounter more Bosmer communities and various ancient ruins among the trees. Those exploring northeast of Haven will eventually come across an area known as the Brackenleaf Forest. This section of woodland is protected by a group known as the Briars, who study the hunt. Those willing to learn about the local shrines of the snake, wolf, and tiger are welcomed as members if they pass the trials. Just be aware that these tests involve eating a Falinesti Peeper. I have nothing else to say on the subject that you will believe without experiencing it yourself.

In the center of Grahtwood lies the tree city of Elden Root, the capital of the Aldmeri Dominion. King Comoran Aeradan rules. As I was warned, the King is dealing with a few ongoing political issues. It seems the arrogance of my fellow High Elves has been imported into the city as Ambassador Tarinwe is dragging their feet on building the Khajiit embassy. I was also informed that the Vinedusk Rangers, a group that works directly for the king, is still contending with elements of the Blacksap rebellion. While I expect several of these issues to become my problems, I in the meantime had to deal with Prince Naemon once again and help prepare for the Queen’s ratification ceremony. Apparently, this ceremony is culturally important to the Bosmer and will determine if Ayrenn is fit to rule. Thankfully, my duties still allowed me to check in with the Mage’s and Fighter’s guilds while visiting the city.  

If ancient ruins are of more interest to some, then Grahtwood has it covered. The Mages Guild is investigating a few sites throughout the area and successfully stirring up trouble. The Ossuary of Telacar east of Elden Root was once a stronghold for a powerful disciple of Mannimarco, and guild acolytes have gone missing. South of Elden Root is the ruins of an ancient Ayleid city known as the Root Sunder Ruins, which the guild is also investigating. 

To the west of the city lies the ruins of a great tree, Gil-Var-Delle, where cultists have recently been gathering, and the Falinesti Winter Site. This Winter Site is where the legendary walking city once rested during the winter season. The Mage’s Guild seems interested in recovering some form of a relic from the location along with the fate of someone named Nairume. North of Elden Root, the guild is also delving into another Ayleid set of ruins known as the Reliquary of Stars.

For the complete Grahtwood experience, the smaller communities should also not be missed. Karthdar is a small Bosmer village that I couldn’t visit due to the unusually hostile wildlife in the area. The town of Cormout is where the Blacksap rebellion originally began, but I have been assured this rebellion is a thing of the past other than for a few remaining holdouts. Reman’s Bluff in the northwest, where a tribe of orcs has taken up residence, could also be an area of interest. Finally, I was surprised to come across Redfur Trading Post in northwest Grahtwood. Run by Kajiit, most merchants appear to be honest traders, while others deal in more questionable endeavors.

To those looking for a challenge and can drum up a few friends, I have heard rumbles of trouble from the Elden Hollow that runs beneath the tree city. Rumor has it Canonreeve Oraneth, who opposes the formation of the Aldmeri Dominion, has headed down there with several loyalists in tow. It may be worth seeing what she is up to.

While I have enjoyed exploring the forest and speaking with the various residents, my tasks for the Queen are complete, and it is time to move on. Not only that, but within the span of two days, I came across a shrine to yet another Daedric Prince, vampires near Goldfolly, and a cursed relic just left lying on the ground in the forest. Obviously, someone or something is trying to send me a message. Off to Greenshade next to secure another relic on behalf of the Queen. I can’t imagine the woods of the mainland getting much crazier than Grahtwood.

Each month we take a look a few of the many zones on offer in The Elder Scrolls Online, guiding you through them like your glorified, Tamrielic tour guide. This is Exploring Tamriel.


Kevin Chick

Kevin “Xevrin” has a background in business administration, education, and programming. He is also an aspiring indie developer who has been writing/reviewing games for over five years. Before age 10, Kevin started playing video games on an Apple III with the Wizardry Series and an Atari console. He has been hooked on gaming ever since and loves following game industry news. In junior high, he branched out into tabletop gaming with the release of D&D 2nd Edition and has been a GM/DM for over 30 years. During his first year of university, Everquest was released, combining his favorite hobbies and locking in MMOs as his top genre.