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A Spoiler-Less Post on Patch 2.55

Victor Barreiro Jr. Posted:
Columns The Eorzea Prospect 0

Welcome back to another edition of the Eorzea Reborn column. We're going to keep things rather short this week as we go about the duty of displaying the highlights of Final Fantasy XIV’s latest patch, Patch 2.55: Before the Fall Part 2.

Some of you may have barrelled through the content, but for those of you who haven’t and are enthralled by Chocobo Racing, don’t worry, there’s also some good stuff here for you.

Without further preamble, let's discuss what you get with this patch that ties into the expansion!

Let's start by getting the less serious stuff out of the way. Gold Saucer play got some tweaks as a result of patch 2.55, and it's not just the minigames and GATEs that are getting adjustments.

According to the patch notes, new NPCs have been added to the Triple Triad roster of people we can card battle against, with some NPC decks and rules in effect for specific NPCs getting adjusted, presumably to make these folks less frustrating to battle.

Triple Triad tournaments have also been modified, such that the number of matches in Triple Triad Tournaments, points received for winning a match, and the rewards received for participating in the tourney have also been adjusted.

Manderville Gold Saucer rewards points have also increased for those in 1st to 7th place, while the practice of consistently losing by not doing anything in a race is being disincentivized by lowering the rewards for finishing last.Changes have also been made to obstacles, treasure chests, and the effects of foul weather and specific race items have also been adjusted.

Those looking for more content will also be glad to know three new deputy postmoogle quests will also be available for Eorzea's postmen and postwomen, should they decide to aim for the "Postal" achievement. 

Meanwhile, those who want to complete the last bits of story for  the game should look to checking in with Minfilia at the Rising Stones assuming they've completed "In Memory of Moenbryda." That should get them to where they need to go, storywise, and potentially lead them to a new trial for 2.55: The Steps of Faith trial.

That said, if you still feel like playing catch-up to other content (like me!) then the Second and Final Coils of Bahamut are also getting tweaks. Echoes are stronger in Second Coil, while the restriction for entering the four coils of Bahamut has been abolished, with players now able to proceed directly to any turn in the Final Coil they want, and can even enter the Final Coil via the Duty Finder with a full party.

In addition, the weekly limitation on items from treasure coffers in the World of Darkness has also been abolished.

It seems short, but for those of you who have yet to finish the main storyline, now is an excellent time to avoid the Internet for a few days and focus on getting some more content done so you can prep for Heavensward.  Till next time, I wish you all well, and if you would, kindly avoid spoilers in the comments below. Cheers!

In this weekly column, Jatobi takes a look at the world of FFXIV and the many things going on in the endless adventure.


Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr. / Victor Barreiro Jr. maintains The Devil’s Advocate and The Secret World columns for MMORPG.com. He also writes for news website Rappler as a technology reporter. You can find more of his writings on Games and Geekery and on Twitter at @vbarreirojr.