The Devil's Advocate is a place where the MMO-Loving world can go to hear the unpopular opinion.
Change is never an easy thing to take though it is a frequent visitor to the MMO space. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at change and how the communities of the games in question have reacted. Read on before heading to the comments.
There is little argument that MMO players represent a microcosm of the world at large. Occasionally, however, gaming becomes an escape from the forces that shape our lives. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at culture, gaming, sadness, escapism and more. Check it out and then leave us our thoughts in the comments.
Sex in MMOs is always a "hot" topic. In our latest Devil's Advocate, we tackle the subject with some interesting thoughts. See what we think before heading to the comments to add your own.
The world is rife with natural and man-made disasters. As the Internet has grown, so has the ability to keep informed. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at an organization, The Internet Response League. See what it's all about before tendering your thoughts in the comments.
The news that Warhammer Online: Age of Recknoning is closing in December has come as a shock to some. In today's Devil's Advocate, we peer into the crystal ball to examine things that just might have prevented this sad happening. See what we think before leaving your own ideas in the comments.
The talk about subscription-based games has been ongoing for the past several weeks since several major titles announced their intentions to utilize subs. In our latest Devil's Advocate, we revisit the topic with a few additional thoughts about the revenue model. Read on and then leave your reactions in the comments.
It is no secret that the writers and creators of the Penny Arcade comic and the founders of the PAX convention series have been the center of several year's worth of controversy. In our latest Devil's Advocate column, we take a look at some of that controversy and offer a few thoughts. Read on before heading to the comments to add your voice to the discussion.
To today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at this summer's most anticipated MMO, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and a topic that many players may not be aware of as they log into the game. Find out what you might be missing and then head to the comments to leave us your thoughts.
Illness is a fact of life and is occasionally introduced into the games we play. But what if it were more prevalent and had an effect on gameplay? In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at that notion. See what we came up with before heading to the comments to chat.
Games Journalism is one of the hot topics across the games space with its wide variety of opinions and voices. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at the topic from our own unique perspective. See what we think and then leave your ideas in the comments.
Developers get a lot of flack from us players, and more often than not it's unfounded. Like yelling at a quarterback or point guard on your favorite team, we're just venting when something we love doesn't go as planned. In today's Devil's Advocate, Victor shares a novel idea: a feeling of developer appreciation.
Rich and poor are facts of human existence. It's something we all know. But does that same disparity factor into the games we play? In this week's Devil's Advocate, we examine the notion and offer a few ideas. See what you think before lending your voice to the conversation in the comments.
Today's Devil's Advocate takes a slight detour to introduce our readers to "Outside", no, not that mythical land beyond your own front door, but, rather, a game that has captured our attention. Find out why and then leave your thoughts in the comments.
Immersion is always a hot topic when it comes to MMO players. Some want it desperately, others not so much. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at the issue of player content and immersion. See what we've got to say before heading to the comments to discuss it further.
Botting is one of the dirty words in MMOs today. In our latest Devil's Advocate, botting is the subject du jour. See why we think "botting" is a weird word and then tell us what you think of the subject in the comments.