In this "whenever we feel like it" column, we'll be talking about, reviewing, and previewing all the best and brightest RPGs coming to the market, even if they're not "MMO" in nature.
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition brings gamers some of the most engaging ARPG dungeon-crawling since Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. It’s creative world-building and storytelling offer an engaging experience for new and returning players. But just how well does a 7-year-old game hold up against modern offerings? Let's find out. Grab that coffee, kick back and enjoy this review of Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition for Nintendo Switch.
Has the Nintendo Switch become just a re-release machine? Maybe it has but if the games they’re re-releasing are always going to be as good as Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition (D:OS2), then I’m game.
The latest iteration of the Zelda series is actually a remake of one of the franchises most beloved installments. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening has made its way to the Nintendo Switch with a complete remake of the original. So how is it? Here is our review.
Here’s a familiar sentence as of late: Link’s Awakening was one of the first Zelda games I ever played – yet it’s one that formed such a lasting impression it’s influenced how I’ve looked at every Zelda game since. Specifically, how the Zelda series treats music.
After watching Dragon Quest Builders 2 from the sidelines after release, our columnist Allyson decided to pick up the RPG spinoff on the suggestion of a friend. In her latest column, she explains exactly why she's glad she did.
We finally have the remastered Final Fantasy VIII fans have been waiting for. They gameplay is there exactly as it was previously and it’s a fun trip through a crazy timey-wimey story. But how does the remaster hold up decades later?
This is probably the most touching and heart-warming story out of any Yakuza game, and that’s exactly why I feel most people won’t like it. For me, this may be my favorite Yakuza game ever and I appreciated Kazuma Kiryu just trying to be a retired man and leading a peaceful life by the sea. But I can see the divisiveness some may have if they expected a lot more action-packed intrigue as exhibited by the previous two titles.
The Outer Worlds is the latest game to soon be hitting the digital video game shelves for acclaimed studio Obsidian Entertainment. Recently, MMORPG had a chance to check out Obsidian's upcoming game at a press event - check out our preview of The Outer Worlds!
Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a series I’ve long loved. I remember sitting on my couch playing the first one with friends in the neighborhood, arguing over who gets to play as Wolverine. So I was pretty excited when it was announced the long awaited third entry in the series was finally coming. But was it worth the wait?
The original Dragon Quest Builders game was a sandbox action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita systems back in 2016. Early this year Nintendo published the same game for the Nintendo Switch. The game was set in the land of Alefgard, which is the world from the immensely popular Dragon Quest series of RPG games. So, the question is does Dragon Quest Builders 2 retain the magic of the first game in the series and propel it forward? This is our review of Dragon Quest Builders 2 for the PlayStation 4.
I’m not a big Lovecraft buff, but I’ve always appreciated the tangential games and what little bits of knowledge of Cthulu-inspired lore I’ve picked up along the way. The existential cosmic horror is nightmarish indeed, but few games have really tapped into the feelings and stories presented by the hellscape Lovecraft invented. Frogware’s The Sinking City, thankfully, is one such game. This is our review.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is the long awaited metroidvania title from former Castlevainia developer Koji Igarashi. Set in a dark gothic, medieval setting, this side scrolling platform offers more than simple jump attack repeat mechanics. However with the hype train being what it is does Bloodstained really offer players something new to one of the oldest genres in gaming? Grab that coffee kick back and enjoy our review of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
In our previous developer blog, we covered the importance of outposts and touched on enemy A.I. You can catch up on that blog here. This week we are covering the depth of the branching narrative that you’ll uncover as you play though Ashes of Oahu and the impacts of your choices.
In our previous two developer blogs, we covered the five factions you’ll encounter throughout Ashes of Oahu. This week we’ll talk about one of the ways you can increase your standing with the four potential friendly factions, Hawaiians, T.R.I., Lava Dogs, and Islanders, destroying and rebuilding outposts. We will also scratch the surface of the enemy AI.
Lornsword Winter Chronicle is an RTS/ARPG hybrid from Tower Five that has only recently launched into Steam early access. I had an opportunity to check out a bit of the game. What I found is a mixed bag of impressions of a game that tries quite hard to blend two genres together, though struggles to do so. That said, however, all is not lost. There is a seed of something special inside Lornsword that, with a bit of time and work during early access, can turn it into a unique entry into the games space.