Every week, MMORPG.com brings you a sometimes less than serious countdown related to the MMO genre.
The evolution of the "massive online game" has been an interesting one to track over the last decade plus, never more so than in the last few years as traditional MMORPGs became bogged down in the theme park mentality and seemed unable to get out from under the looming shadow of World of Warcraft. We have witnessed the rise of the MOBA, the MMOFPS, the MMORTS and more.
It can be pretty heart wrenching, especially if you’re still firmly part of the community when it happens. Still, it’s fun to remember the good times, so let’s take a look back at some of the best (now shut down) MMOs of all time.
Start, finally getting our bearings officially and starting our own small clan on the Old Man Cho server. We’re sure many of you have played or dabbled in the closed beta events, but for those launching themselves finally into this Eastern Wuxia themed MMORPG, we’ve put together a list of things we wish we would have known going in.
The sheer amount of RPGs coming out in 2016, is staggering. Unlike with our MMOs of 2016 list, we won’t strive to list them all. Instead, we’re curating our Top 25 most anticipated RPGs of 2016. Here’s hoping they all launch this year!
2015 is in the past, and the majority of 2016 lies ahead. What games will we be playing as we crawl through the calendar year? We’re here to help figure that out. With this week’s List, we’ll take a quick look at all MMOs we expect to hit beta, early access, and launch in 2016. Click through and start adding games to your wish list!
The release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is upon us and we can imagine that many of you out there are going to be hankering for some fun Star Wars gaming once you’ve left the theater. Unfortunately, there’s been a dearth of good Star Wars games for a while now, but there are some excellent classics we feel you should check out (or re-visit).
With the recent terrorist attacks in mind, I send out my condolences to all of those who lost or even have an injured loved one. In real life, we tend to stick together in such tragedies, give each other a pat on the back and help each other out of these tough times. On the other side, in the world of video games, it’s not that different, since it’s the same people in real life who play them.
Tell me if this cycle sounds familiar to you: you spend a good part of the year playing through your backlog of video games in the lulls between major releases, only to fill it back up again once a Steam Sale hits. I myself am just cresting the wave of a number of older titles that have been collecting dust for some time (the most recent ventures include Shadow of Mordor, Super Mario 3D World, and A Link Between Worlds), and am simultaneously anticipating and avoiding holiday sales.
Each week, players can look forward to battling each other in often zany scenarios and rules with often hilarious results. This week, we’ll be taking a look at our five favorite Tavern Brawls, so go ahead and take a seat by the hearth!
During Blizzcon 2015 earlier this month, World of Warcraft: Legion took front and center during the festivities. For the first time since the expansion was announced in August, fans and players alike finally got to hear more details about Legion and what it means to the game millions around the world still adore.
With Heart of Thorns now over a week old, and our review currently in progress, we wanted to spend this week pining over the things we really appreciate in ArenaNet’s first Guild Wars 2 expansion. Next week we’ll tally up a few aggravations, but for now let’s give credit where credit is due.
We at MMORPG.com can’t be the only ones who walk around our houses in bathrobes humming the Duck Tales theme song. There’s something about a show’s title track that sticks with you long after you’ve watched it, and video games are no different in this respect. Roleplaying games are particularly well-known for having spectacular music, so here are five of the best RPG theme songs out there!
For the past couple of Lists, Ripper X and I have brought you the Five Best MMOs for New Players and Five MMOs for Experienced Players. As promised, this week we’re taking a look at five “deep cuts” for the most hardcore of players out there, who are either looking for intense PvP experiences, open world sandbox mayhem, or a glimpse into the history and legacy of the MMO genre.
In the same vein, we’re going to piggyback on last week’s List of the Five Best MMOs for New Players and suggest five more MMORPGs that you should at least give a try if you’re looking for a new game. And next week, we’ll take it a step further and recommend five “deep cuts” for the hardcore crowd!
The word hate can have very different levels of meaning. So, to be sure it's clear, the topic of this article refers to things that fall pretty low on the intensity scale. To illustrate what I mean, my wife thinks I hate turnips. I don't. However, when given the option to take or leave them, I'll almost invariably do the latter. This doesn't mean I passionately detest them.