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MMORPG Columns

Garrett Fuller

MMORPG.com News Manager Garrett Fuller pens this weekly column on the genre in general every Wednesday.

Instancing Problems In WoW

This week, Garrett looks at the idea of scaling raid instances in World of Warcraft and how it would help his experience.

The Rise of the Indy MMO

In this week's edition of Garrett Fuller's Wednesday column, he takes a look at what he calls "The Rise of the Indy MMO" and four games that exemplify it: Wizard 101, Fallen Earth, Global Agenda and Alganon.

A Hunting We Will Go

PvP has been missing something lately and Garrett thinks he knows what it is. The thrill of the hunt.

AGDC: A Study in Opportunity

Garrett Fuller returns with his column this week revolving around opportunities for careers within the gaming industry both from the inside and out.

The Customer Is Always Right

Developers need to listen more closely to their players, says Fuller in this week's column. He looks at how the process works and what can be done to improve it.

Sequels and Cataclysms

Sometimes games come back, sometimes they're reborn, sometimes they're reworked. Garrett looks at this phenomenon in this edition of his weekly column.

Putting An MMO Out Of Its Misery

In this week's column, Garrett Fuller discusses the life and easy death of MMOs in the current marketplace.

Customization and How To Stand Out

MMOs have always let people tweak their characters. Garrett looks at this and where it's been done well.

BlizzCon: Reading Between the Lines

Garrett uses his column this week to talk about the upcoming BlizzCon and what surprises it might hold.

Making the Most of My Game Time - Levels and Quests

MMORPG.com's Garrett Fuller uses his column this week to talk about levelling in MMOs, and what might be done to make it more accessible to casual players while not removing all of the fun for players with more gaming time.

LFM Ulduar 25, PST Stats and Achievement

In his most recent column, MMORPG.com's Garrett Fuller looks at the achievement system in Blizzard's World of Warcraft and talks about how its current use might be affecting the social aspects of the game.

Do You PvP?

Garrett looks at PvP, what kinds are out there and why people do it in this week's column.

The Price of Power

It's a tight rope for developers. How do you make players feel strong early, without giving them too much, too soon?

Are You Heroic?

A new weekly column debuts, as Garrett Fuller looks at heroism in MMOs and whether or not they succeed in making gamers feel special.