Dark or Light

MMORPG Columns

The List

Every week, MMORPG.com brings you a sometimes less than serious countdown related to the MMO genre.

Top 5 Games To Forget About Politics With Today

This week as we finish up a brutal election time in our country we thought it would be best on some games that do their damnedest to help you forget reality. What MMOs truly take you into a fully immersive experience? Do any of them have such in depth world building that you simply do not want to leave? Well, here we present to you the Top Five Games to Forget About Politics!

What We May Hear About Diablo During Blizzcon

With Blizzcon 2016 ready to kick off with the opening ceremony just about 24-hours from now, and with recent Internet breathlessness over the “leaked” image showing both a male and female Necromancer as well as a year’s worth of job postings for an “unannounced Diablo project”, the hype for a possible major Diablo franchise announcement has reached heights it hasn’t in many years.

Three Reasons to Come Back for Knights of the Eternal Throne

Star Wars: The Old Republic gets its 4th expansion this December with Knights of the Eternal Throne. The expansion will continue the story of the current expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, bump the level cap up to 70, and more. Any new expansion is a great time to come back to your favorite MMO, but we think Eternal Throne makes a particularly good case for a return to Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Five Reasons to Try Out Revelation Online

Revelation Online lands in closed beta a week from today on October 25th, 2016. With that in mind, today we’re taking a look at the features and footage around the web of the imported MMORPG, to try and figure out what parts of the game are most enticing. Read on for our Fives Reasons to Try Revelation Online. These are just a few of our reasons, feel free to add your own!

Five Things We Want from Snail’s Dark & Light

Dark and Light, once thought dead and buried is nearing ever closer to its eventual relaunch. It’s not the game it was 12 years ago, except in name only. Still, even with a few interviews, we don’t have much in the way of gameplay video or real details from the developer itself to go on. Ergo, today we’re offering up five things we want from Dark and Light. These are just five of our many hopes, so feel free to weigh in with your own.

Garrett's Top Five Pre-WoW MMOs

This is a very difficult list to write. There were a lot of games that came before World of Warcraft and far too many that came after. Here is the interesting part: the games that came before World of Warcraft shaped what the MMO genre was. Now that it has been over a decade and game companies are starting to develop on a much more reasonable budget, we are starting to see what made these old games great come to life again in new form.

Five Things MMO Gamers Should Stop Complaining About

We whine a lot. Not just as gamers, or MMO gamers, but as human beings in the western civilized world, we complain about anything we perceive as unfair or unjust or in any way lopsided. I don’t know why this is, I’m no psychologist. But I do know that there are at least five things we MMO gamers need to just get over already. At the risk of being cliché, we really do beat too many dead horses.

Five Things MMO Gamers Should Complain About

This week Rob is back with a few gears to grind. There are plenty of things we don't need to whine about in gaming, but there are also quite a few issues we should be concerned about. Read on about his five things he believes should have gamers up in arms.

5 Ways SO5 Would Make a Great MMO + 5 Things to Know Before You Start Playing

Check in with Rob as he discusses the newest jRPG to come out this week. In this column he offers up five ways that Star Ocean could be morphed into a MMO as well as five things you should know before you get started.

5 Things to Do During the 24-Hour Site Maintenance

We've all been feeling a bit 'edgy' with the 24-hour downtime coming at midnight and going for upwards of 24 hours. What will we do while MMORPG.com is down to bring the new site online? After breathing deeply into a small paper bag a few times to calm jangling nerves, our thoughts are clearer. We've come up with five things to do to ease the wait. See what we came up with before adding a few ideas too.

Five Things Players Will Love About Warcraft: The Beginning

I will begin this article by saying that I am not here to give a full blown review of Warcraft: The Beginning. What I am here to do is try to synthesize why Warcraft and World of Warcraft players might adore...and dislike...the movie based on a series of games that millions have loved over the past two plus decades.

5 Reasons You Can Love Both Overwatch & Battleborn

Yet even in all the positive press both games have received, more than a few people have felt as if they have to choose one over the other. It’s almost as if some have come to believe that they can only like one game per genre and that any others are not up to par. We’re here to tell you that that’s not true. You can love and enjoy both Overwatch and Battleborn! No, really. You can!

Ranking SWTOR’s Sith Storylines

While I wish the quality of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s class storylines were consistent across the board, it simply isn’t the case. This week, we’ll be ranking the game’s storylines from the Sith Empire side of things. And yes, there will be spoilers!

Five Ultima Online Legacies That Hold True Today

Ultima Online launched just a little bit less than 20 years ago. 2017 will see the game’s twenty year anniversary. What is interesting about Ultima Online is that the legacy of that game still holds very true today. So many games are patterned off of design concepts that were created last millennium. Here is a list of some of those legacies.

Top Five Most Fun Marvel Heroes Characters

Marvel Heroes has its share of overpowered and underpowered heroes and many more in between, but which are simply the most fun to play? In this week’s List, we look at five of Marvel Heroes’ funnest characters to play.