Every week, MMORPG.com brings you a sometimes less than serious countdown related to the MMO genre.
For those of you in the game industry, GDC or Game Developers Conference in San Francisco marks a yearly crusade for new developers, highlighted speeches, and business meetings. If you are breaking into the industry, it is a great place to make connections. If you are an accomplished developer, perhaps it is your chance to give back and advise some of the younger generation on design.
Today we break down our top five mechanics for the upcoming MMO Ashes of Creation. The game is looking more and more solid every day. With videos and features now hitting the fans, it seems there is a lot to look forward too. Here are our Top 5 mechanics to keep an eye on as Intrepid Studios continues development.
Over the past months we have closely been following Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. Brad McQuaid has done a fantastic job of roping in old school MMO mechanics with a new twist and an exciting world for players. Pantheon heralds back to Brad’s success with Everquest, but it also break ground into a new future for MMORPGs.
There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about Tides of Numenera, the latest RPG that is coming out from InXile. It is important because InXile was able to Kickstart the game and has now built a solid product we can all look forward to. It seems like crowd funding is the only way these types of games are being made any more. However, with Torment being on everyone’s mind, maybe publishers will start to turn their eyes on the RPG genre again.
I was talking to @BillMurphy earlier today about what he’s been playing lately and we got started talking about action RPGs and how great they are for busy parents, extrapolating into how fantastic they are for anyone with limited time to play. MMOs, while magnificent and are our passion, tend to demand more time to feel as if progress has been made, hence the easy joy that comes out of ARPGs.
No one likes politics these days. However, video games have a huge swamp of their own to deal with. It is the one that has been created over time by too much hype and oversold knock offs. That’s right, too many games chase the money of creative titles and try to duplicate their success. We lived through it as MMO players. You also saw that template used in MOBAs which are now coming into their twilight years. The times have changed and it is now innovation that will rule out once again.
It’s that time of the year again for everyone to make forward looking statements. Rob weighs in with the top 3 games he is looking forward to in 2017.
Let’s take a look back at the year that was. A rough year for many, especially MMOs. Still, the game industry continues to move forward and games remain a multi-billion dollar industry. MMOs still make tremendous amounts of money, now through cash shops and in game purchases, it seems like the full formula of a successful community has finally come into being.
With the recent news that Standing Stone Games will be taking over LOTRO and DDO we thought to look into some of the great ideas that came from these two MMOs. Daybreak is now publishing the titles as Turbine has spun them off into their own studio - Standing Stone Games. For the fans this means more content, a solid service team, and a studio now directly dedicated to these two titles. Both MMOs continue to have a solid community and here are some of the reasons why.
As one of the biggest game companies in the world it is always interesting to see what goes on at Blizzard Entertainment. This year had some major news surrounding the company and people paid attention to what was happening over at the fortress in Irvine. Some of the stories were really big, others, were huge and you may have missed them. Here is our break down of the top five events this year for Blizzard.
Having spent more time with the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic, I’ve gotten a better idea for the hot (and not so hot) aspects of the expansion. Read on for our look at both.
Final Fantasy XV released earlier this week to fan and critical praise alike. But some are left wondering, just how is this a Final Fantasy game? Read on for five ways it calls back to previous games in the series.
Just because a game closes does not mean a gameplay mechanic does not change MMOs or how we think about current game play. Let’s look at a list of game ideas that really worked well, despite the end of their run.
There are still some questions about how the Hyborian Age will fit into the survival game genre. In many ways Conan is the perfect fit, harsh and brutal just like the stories, Conan’s mythos lends itself to a very hardcore crowd. That audience is perfect for the survival genre and vice versa, survival fans may be in for a treat with a tough fantasy take on the genre which has been embedded in the zombie zone for years now. So, with that here are the Top 5 hopes we have for Conan Exiles.
Yesterday NCSoft showed off the trailer for Lineage Eternal as the game is about to begin its Korean beta testing. This is a huge step for the title on every level as Lineage Eternal was often an MMO destined to sit on the shelf for years. Those days are finally over. Since first announced in 2011 it has been radio silence out of NCSoft, but now the team has shown us their first trailer. Plans for the game continue and we’ll just have to wait on how long it will take to come to North America.