Every week, MMORPG.com brings you a sometimes less than serious countdown related to the MMO genre.
It’s not been a good year for brand spanking new games in the MMORPG realm. Heck, when was the last time it was? But that doesn’t mean the games we already have haven’t been making a strong showing. In fact, some of the most popular games in the world right now are those that have been out for years already. Here is our list of the Best MMOs of 2018 So Far (in no particular order).
Games have evolved, mechanics have been created, and graphics will continue to get better. Game theory remains the same. Dark Age of Camelot was an MMO that sometimes gets overshadowed by Everquest and World of Warcraft. It was made on the East Coast, which for video games is rare. However, it offered a PvP system which has now spread into every aspect of online gaming today. Here are five reasons why this system was the best ever created.
Battle Royale has become a game style that captured millions, put them on an island and allowed them to fight it out. Some may call it dangerous, others a problem, but for fans of these games it is just flat out fun. Here are some of the mechanics we love about Battle Royale Games. Whether it is PUBG, H1Z1, or Fortnite, we know what makes for fantastic PvP.
Trion Worlds shocked the lot of us yesterday by announcing a sequel to Defiance called Defiance 2050. Using the same engine, upgraded and enhanced for modern consoles and PC, Defiance 2050 takes place four years after the original game, and promises enhanced visuals across all platforms, brand new content, new mechanics, new systems, the works. Here then, are our 5 things we want from Defiance 2050 that’ll make it better than the original.
We're bringing back another blast from the past from our friend Richard Aihoshi. In his column from November 2014, he talked about the "first modern era" of MMOs, namely the seminal games released between 1996-2005. Some of these games are the ones many of us cut our MMO teeth on. It's a fun look back, not only at 2014, but at the ancient days of yore stretching back into the last century. See if his thoughts still hold true today!
Monster Hunter World may be the first time I’ve played and enjoyed a Monster Hunter game. As an online experience, it’s not quite an MMO and yet it does plenty that I think future MMORPGs can learn from. In this list we’ll explore 5 things MMOs can learn from Capcom’s Monster Hunter World.
We're bringing this List column back from the dead by casting revive. Way back in March 2015, we took a look at the five biggest Kickstarter MMO projects out there. Looking back, we wonder how much has changed in nearly three years for Legends of Aria, Camelot Unchained, Pathfinder Online, Star Citizen and Crowfall.
In last week’s List, we discussed our favorite MMO roles, so this week we’ll narrow it down a bit more to discuss our favorite classes. This list is by no means exhaustive, of course. There are far too many awesome MMO classes to pick from, but these are some of my favorites.
DPS, DPS, DPS! Every time I decide to play an MMO with friends, just about everyone wants to play DPS. I think we’ve all been there. While there’s nothing wrong with playing DPS, I know many of you out there treat the ‘short straw’ of pulling tank or healer with the same excitement the DPS fiends do when they get to play their favorite classes. So let’s have a discussion about our favorite MMO roles, shall we? I’ll start!
Just this Sunday, a video surfaced on Reddit that's supposed to be of an early Alpha build of Amazon's New World MMORPG. While we've reached Amazon Game Studios' PR about this possible leak (it's still rumored as of this writing), we thought we'd rez an old list from just after the game's official announcement in 2016.
The MMO genre is filled with bad games, mediocre games, and games we’re all surprised manage to keep on running. This list is not for them, because well... we’d be here all day. Instead, we’re listing out five MMOs that had a really bad or disappointing year. Some were closed, some failed to live up to hype, and others just kind of lingered on like a shambling corpse waiting for judgment day. Here then are our MMOs that had it worst in 2017.
We recently awarded our MMO of the year to Final Fantasy XIV, and for good reason. It’s been another banner year for Final Fantasy fans and their MMORPG, but it’s not the only MMO that had a solid 2017. Sure enough, there weren’t many great new games to play in 2017. But we’re taking a look at the games we played, in beta and fully launched, and picking our favorites.
What if there were a Fallout MMO and what if the developers actually made it the kind of game it has the potential to become? Would it be something like ESO, or more like Destiny?
When was the last time you watched a movie and though, “Wow, this would make a great MMO! There are different groups and conflicts, that could be one class, and this would make a cool class too. It’s perfect!” If you play MMOs regularly, then you probably have something like that go through your mind during most of your favorite films.
This list was originally published way back in 2010. Guess what? Of the five games listed, only one ever made to launch, and it's already shut down. Take a trip down memory lane with us, as we look back at those games, and forward at 5 new MMOs on the horizon.