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MMORPG Columns

The List

Every week, MMORPG.com brings you a sometimes less than serious countdown related to the MMO genre.

Five Memorable MMO Lawsuits

Corporations have always been litigious, but this week Jon Wood runs down five (sometimes silly) lawsuits from MMO companies.

Five Infuriating MMOs

MMO players and The Hulk have one thing in common... you wouldn't like them when they're angry. Over the history of the genre, there have been a few games that have nearly resulted in players forming posses with torches and pitchforks. In this week's column, Jon Wood takes a look at five such titles.

Top 10 Tightlipped MMO Projects

There is a second crop of MMOs on the horizon where the developers have nothing to say... yet. Jon runs down the list of the top 10 MMO projects we know are out there, but have yet to get the details on.

Top 10 Games of 2012

Jon breaks out his crystal ball and peers three years down the road. Which 10 games will dominate the market then?

Five Recent MMO Blunders

Jon counts down his top five recent MMO blunders. For his list of things gone horribly wrong, click on, then let us know your own.

My Top Ten Games with Potential

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood returns this week with a new list, this time counting down the top ten games that he feels have the potential to be something great.

10 Things To Look For At ComicCon

ComicCon kicks off tomorrow, and the show has a pretty big video game contingent. Pinch hitting for Jon, Garrett Fuller runs down 10 things MMO fans should keep an eye on this week.

Five Proofs of MMO Evolution

MMOs evolve, whether people realize it or not. Jon Wood runs down five ways that MMOs are changing, offering proof that they have not stagnated.

Five Studios That Should Make MMOs

Jon counts down the five studios - past or present - he'd like to see jump into the MMO ring.

Five MMO Wishes

What five things would Jon change about the industry? He counts them down as we make his lists a weekly event.

Top 10 Books That Should Be MMOs

In this week's list, MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood takes a look at ten IPs from the world of books and literature that would make good candidates for future MMO projects.

Five 80s Cartoon That Would Make Good MMOs

In this week's Tuesday Top Five, MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood writes this look at 80s television cartoons that would make interesting IPs for future MMORPG projects.

Top Ten Games That Should Be MMOs

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood counts down the Top 10 video games that should be made into MMOs.

The Four Shortest Lived MMOs

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood takes another trip down memory lane this week, counting down four shortest lived MMORPGs.

Top 5 MMOs That Never Were

MMORPG.com Managing Editor Jon Wood counts down the top five games to be cancelled in mid development, never to see the light of day.