Each week, Mitch scours the internet for all things indie MMO-related, so you don’t have to. Join us in our weekly look at Indie MMORPGs.
This week, everyone posted their monthly dev update, Nightingale went offline, and a solo developer calls it quits.
This week, Palia cuts its staff by 40%, while Monsters & Memories and The Qunifall prepare for upcoming tests.
This week, The Wagadu Chronicles is shutting down, Coreborn announces server wipes, and demons invade Fractured Online.
This week, the Cyber Immortals Android test is underway while BitCraft's Alpha 1 comes to an end, Oath Games acquires struggling MMO Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore, and A Township Tale adds and then quickly removes a new feature.
This week, Genfanad stops development, BitCraft explains skill progression, and Mad World celebrates its one-year anniversary.
This week, Legends of Aria Classic (image above) rises from the ashes, Broken Ranks finishes its gear rework, and The Quinfall sends out invites to its next Closed Beta.
This week, Wild Terra 2 received a major update, Zenith started Season 2, and Broken Ranks proves that p2w is alive and well.
This week, server queues were a major issue as multiple MMOs entered testing, Realm of the Mad God teases its Realm Rework Beta, and Palia is the latest developer to cut staff this year.
This week, Embers Adrift gets a new update, Monsters & Memories' devs review the last couple of months, and Easter events pop up all over the place.
This week, Easter events have started hopping up, Book of Travels gets some new content, and Genfanad prepares to join the Steam Deckbuilding Fest (image above) - they have a fest for everything, it seems.
This week, Dreamworld adds new assets (image above), Foxhole talks about Update 56, and Quinfall opens up another Close Beta application.
This week, Wild Terra 2 teases new content, Anvil Empires delays its Major Test, and BitCraft finally gives us a decent gameplay video.
This week, Zenith goes free-to-play (image above), everyone puts out their end-of-month update blogs, and Nightingale enters Early Access.
This week, Coreborn has a permanent price drop, Dreamworld Aphla 2 gets 24/7 access, and Palia is coming to Steam.
This week, Nightingale (image above) goes full speed on the hype train, Corepunk talks Alpha Test #2, and Ravendawn pulls out the banhammer.