In this "whenever we feel like it" column, we'll be talking about, reviewing, and previewing all the best and brightest RPGs coming to the market, even if they're not "MMO" in nature.
Thing Trunk’s Return 2 Games (R2G) initiative is aimed at paying homage to some of the greatest games from the 90s with their own take on modern classics. Book of Demons, the first such title, is quite obviously a riff on Blizzard’s classic Diablo. But it’s not just a click to loot and kill fest that the Lord of Terror so deeply loved - it’s something unique and engaging all on its own.
This Thursday’s Game Awards had more than a few surprises, one of which was that Epic’s developer-friendly game store opened up and had a few great games already available. Impulse game buy that I am, I snapped up both Supergiant’s Hades (because duh) and A44’s stylish but mysterious RPG, Ashen. Let me tell you, I’m glad I did.
It’s been a week to the day since I offered my first impressions piece on Darksiders 3. I’ve spent a lot of time with Fury and thinking over my experiences and my opinions have changed. The Darksiders of yesterday is all but gone but is that a good thing or bad thing? Read on to find out.
After more than 6 years in the hopper, Darksiders 3 is finally here. This time, we step into the shoes of a brand new horseman to take on the minions of heaven and hell. Many of us thought Darksiders 3 would never come but now that it’s here, does it live up to the extra-long wait? Join us as we begin to answer that question and come back next week for our full review!
I went into this game expecting great things. It’s 2018 and we were just given a new Ultima-inspired game with the promise of bringing the amazing classics from Ultima Underworld into the era with upgraded graphics and mechanics. I was super excited. That is until I played it. Ladies and Gentlemen, strap in and prepare yourselves, this is our Underworld Ascendant review.
While the online portion of Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn't come for another month or so, make no bones about it - Rockstar's sweeping western epic will give you plenty to do until then. Read on for our review of the greatest western game you've ever played.
I will not get tired of saying that the last couple of years have been golden for any fan of classic-inspired cRPGs, myself included. Between Obsidian’s Tyranny and PoE2: Deadfire and Larian’s Divinity 2: Original Sin, gamers were able to visit beautiful fantasy worlds and dive right into a variety of problems. It is time for Pathfinder: Kingmaker to join that list.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was one of 2017’s best Nintendo Switch RPGs, and today marks the launch of its first big “DLC”. I put that in quotes, because this sucker is basically a whole new prequel game to Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It’s got dozens of hours of story filling in the history of the game, with familiar characters, and a refined battle and crafting system to boot. If you liked any of the Xenoblade games so far, you’re in for a treat.
As a continuation of my adventures in ancient Greece with Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, I also managed to snag a moment with Scott Philips, the Game director. Scott was very open and willing to share some of the specifics on some new and improved in-game mechanics that have been incorporated into Odyssey, and share his thoughts on the potential scope of future AC games.
Last week I was given the intense privilege of attending a hands-on session with Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and was overwhelmed, positively so, with what I saw and experienced. In previous entries to the Assassin's Creed series, there has been some dispute into whether the titles were all that players were expecting to see, and I was one of those who, at times, harbored skepticisms.
While attending a hands-on event for Ubisoft's newest Assassin's Creed entry: Odyssey, I was fortunate enough to sit for a few minutes with Melissa McCoubrey, the Narrative director, who was happy to share some insights, answer questions, and share personal excitement for this outstanding project (my opinion).
Lara Croft is back for her third adventure since she was rebooted in 2013. That 2013 release didn’t initially click for me but after trying to start the game three times it ended up being the reason I bought an XBox One. Since then the Tomb Raider franchise has come to represent what can be so great about the action adventure and exploration genre.
After a long absence in the West Dragon Quest makes its way to our shores later next week. Was it worth the wait? Read on for our review to find out.
Earlier this week, the highly-acclaimed Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire grew a bit larger with the addition of the Beast of Winter DLC. The new content takes players to the frozen realm of Harbingers' Watch, a small village filled with fanatics dedicated to the god Rymrgand and his portion of the "Beyond".
Join us for our spoiler-free review of The Banner Saga 3 as we take a dive into the beautiful apocalyptic world created, it seems, specifically to hurt your feelings in the best way possible.