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City of Heroes

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City of Heroes Articles

Invention System

Matt Miller, the Lead Designer for City of Heroes / City of Villains drops by to give us an exclusive developer journal about the game's Invention System.

Statesman's Task Force Preview

City of Heroes opens the doors on the Statesman's Task Force Preview.

Cryptic Studios is Hiring

Cryptic Studios is looking to fill a number of developer positions at their studio, so if you've ever wanted to work on a game in areas like Web Programming, Art and more, this could be your chance. Cryptic is looking to hire gamers with the right skills for the job, regardless of experience.

Exclusive Screenshots

o go along with our new Issue 9 Q&A, Cryptic Studios have sent over some new, exclusive screenshots as well.

Issue 9 Interview With Matt Miller

News Editor Garrett Fuller sits down with Matt "Positron" Miller, the Lead Designer for Cryptic Studios' City of Heroes / Villains about Issue 9, the game's next free expansion.

Issue 9 Interview With Matt Miller

News Editor Garrett Fuller sits down with Matt "Positron" Miller, the Lead Designer for Cryptic Studios' City of Heroes / Villains about Issue 9, the game's next free expansion.

Exclusive Screenshots

To go along with our new Issue 9 Q&A, Cryptic Studios have sent over some new, exclusive screenshots as well.

Issue 9 Preview

City of Heroes and Villians gives us a look at the Issue 9 Update.

Jack Emmert Community Q&A #2

Jack Emmert, the head of Cryptic Studios, returns today for another Community Q&A where it's our MMORPG.com members who ask the questions.

Jack Emmert Community Q&A #2

Cryptic Studios head Jack Emmert returns to MMORPG.com to answer questions fromt he community about City of X, his experience int he industry and more.

Winter Event Returns For Another Week

City of Heroes and Villians brings back the Winter Event for another week.

A Look At Cryptic Studios Recruiting

Cryptic Stufdios is looking for new staff members. Managing Editor Jon Wood sits down with a number of Cryptic developers to talk about what they're hiring for, and who they would like to hire. Joining Jon for the interview are: Michael Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Jack Emmert, Chief Creative Officer, Bruce Rogers, Chief Technical Officer, Shayne Herrera, Art Director, Victor Wachter, Community Relations Manager, and Denise O’Laughlin, Senior Staffing Manager.

Cryptic Studios Recruitment

Managing Editor Jon Wood sits down with a number of Cryptic developers to talk about what they're hiring for, and who they would like to hire. Joining Jon for the interview are: Michael Lewis, Chief Executive Officer, Jack Emmert, Chief Creative Officer, Bruce Rogers, Chief Technical Officer, Shayne Herrera, Art Director, Victor Wachter, Community Relations Manager, and Denise O’Laughlin, Senior Staffing Manager.

Dev Journal: Crafting Vet Rewards

Lead Designer Matt Miller talks about crafting the Veteran Rewards program from a developer's perspective.

Creating the Veteran Rewards Program

The Lead Designer of City of Heroes talks about how they built the Veteran Rewards program.