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Chrono Tales

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Chrono Tales Articles

Open Beta Begins Today

The Chrono Tales open beta is scheduled to kick off today, Tuesday, January 29th. The open beta comes with a level cap increase and a new high-level zone for players to check out. Additionally, a new VIP status is incoming for players earning enough diamonds to achieve the special membership level.

Grab a Closed Beta Code

The Chrono Tales team has let us know that interested players can now grab a closed beta code for the second round of testing by visiting the official 'email beta' page. GMs will authorize a beta code for applicants in time for the second CBT.

Closed Beta to Kick Off December 11th

An internal closed beta has been ongoing for Chrono Tales volunteer staff for the last few weeks. Word has been released, however, that a wider beta pool is needed and that players with closed beta keys will be able to redeem and start playing the game beginning December 11th.

Astrology & Good Fortune

The Chrono Tales team is preparing to launch the closed beta test for the browser-based astrological MMO, Chrono Tales. The team is offering players who register for the CBT a chance at a limited time mount. In addition, more has been revealed about the astrological connections players will find in the game.