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Chaos Heroes Online

Aeria Games | Official Site

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  • Release Date:

    12/31/14 (02/28/2015)
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Chaos Heroes Online Overview

Chaos Heroes Online is a MOBA inspired by the Warcraft III DotA mod: DotA: Chaos. The game emphasizes grouping, and at its core reflects some of the RTS elements from its inspiration. Warcraft III inspired heroes and units, as well as both classic and modern MOBA gameplay mechanics and elements are present in the free to play title.

  • Staying True to Inspiration | Veterans of RTS might notice the heavy inspiration from Warcraft III and the DotA: Chaos. The MOBA seeks to stay close to its inspiration while still being a modern, fun to play game.
  • Multiple Ways to Win | Gameplay is classic MOBA, with an emphasis on grouping and engagement. Games are capped at 50 minutes long, however, making time a potential strategic element in a win.
  • Team Builds Count | With an emphasis on grouping and strategic takedowns, making sure your team has a tank is the first step. Teamwork counts, and putting the right team together is invaluable.
Steam Launch Day Arrives

Aeria Games has sent word that its new MOBA, Chaos Heroes Online, is now part of the Steam games platform. Returning players transferring to the Steam client will be gifted a new limited time skin called the Scorching Battlefield Darae.