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Bless Unleashed

Bandai Namco | Official Site


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Bless Unleashed Articles

Bless Unleashed Ranger Class Trailer

Bandai Namco has sent out a brand new class trailer for Bless Unleashed. This time, the Ranger class shines. "Rangers are built to deal death from afar as they unleash lethal bow-and-arrow attacks to defeat multiple enemies at once or take down the mightiest of beasts," the PR reads. Judge for yourself in this new video.

Bless Unleashed: Teaser Trailer Showcases All Five Classes

Bandai Namco has released a brand new trailer for Bless Unleashed. This time, the five unique classes coming to the game are the stars. The classes are: Berserker, Mage, Ranger, Priest, and Crusader, each with its own unique talents and abilities.

PAX West 2018: Bless Unleashed has Great Potential on Xbox One

Sometimes at PAX you have to leave the beaten path and walk away from the convention centers to get hands on a game with the developers and that’s just what I did for BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America’s first free-to-play MMORPG being released as an XBOX exclusive: Bless Unleashed.

Bless Unleashed Announcement Trailer

Bandai Namco has released a brand new trailer from its XBox One "built from the ground up" MMO, Bless Unleashed. The trailer features in-game footage and a look at characters interacting with the world.