Bless Unleashed Articles

Bandai Namco has sent out a brand new class trailer for Bless Unleashed. This time, the Ranger class shines. "Rangers are built to deal death from afar as they unleash lethal bow-and-arrow attacks to defeat multiple enemies at once or take down the mightiest of beasts," the PR reads. Judge for yourself in this new video.

Bandai Namco has released a brand new trailer for Bless Unleashed. This time, the five unique classes coming to the game are the stars. The classes are: Berserker, Mage, Ranger, Priest, and Crusader, each with its own unique talents and abilities.

Sometimes at PAX you have to leave the beaten path and walk away from the convention centers to get hands on a game with the developers and that’s just what I did for BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America’s first free-to-play MMORPG being released as an XBOX exclusive: Bless Unleashed.

Bandai Namco has released a brand new trailer from its XBox One "built from the ground up" MMO, Bless Unleashed. The trailer features in-game footage and a look at characters interacting with the world.