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Black Desert Online

Pearl Abyss | Official Site


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Black Desert Online Articles

A Closer Look at Character Customization

A week or so ago, a Black Desert video showing character customization in Black Desert was released that amazed many fans of the upcoming game. This week, Steparu.com has a pair of in-depth videos that show off customization for two of the game's classes: Sorcerer and Warrior. Prepare your eyes for even more astonishing levels of customization. Let us know what you think!

The Beauty of the World Displayed in New Video

The beauty that is the world of Black Desert shines in the latest video from the game's second closed beta in Korea. From cities to raging rivers to small hamlets, the gorgeousness and activity of the Black Desert world sparkles. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Party Game Play Shines in New Video

One of the more compelling features coming in Black Desert is party formation combat. The team has released a new video from the second closed beta phase that shows how this will work. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Overhauled Combat System Shines in New Gameplay Video

The second amazing Black Desert video has been released from the game's second closed beta phase. This time, combat takes center stage and players are treated to a look at the overhauled combat mechanics. Let us know what you think!

CBT 2 Character Creation Video Amazes

Steparu.com has posted a new character creation video from the Black Desert closed beta phase two. It's an amazing creation feature that you won't want to miss. Check it out and let us know what you think!

How to Join the Second Closed Beta Event

The good folks at Steparu.com have published a handy "how to" guide for players interested in joining the second Korean closed beta event for the hotly anticipated title, Black Desert. Black Desert's second beta is scheduled to begin on April 4th and, to celebrate, there is a new teaser page to check out.

Russian Localization Underway

According to Black Desert Fansite (via Goha.ru), the Russian language localization of Black Desert is already underway. Goha.ru recently scored an interview with PearlAbyss to talk about the localization efforts, though the Russian publisher has not yet been named for internal reasons.

New CBT Features Revealed

2P.com has an English translation of the last Korean Black Desert developer blog. In it, the BD team reveals new monsters, a new town and more that will be included in the next beta phase.

Want to Know More? OK!

Steparu.com has been feeding the hungry wishes of millions of slathering Black Desert fans worldwide with its great closed beta preview articles and videos. In the latest update, the team discusses PvE, questing, the Archer class, a questing mini-game, PvP and a -sweet- looking mount.

All About PvP & GvG

Fans of Black Desert who are looking for all that they can discover about the forthcoming game, will want to check out Steparu.com's beta preview featuring a look at at both PvP and GvG. Black Desert is currently in beta testing in Korea.

Beta Videos Surface

Black Desert's first beta event is underway for the next several days. MMOCast.com has posted several videos that show off some of the Korean game's terrific looking features, including how jumping will work in different ways throughout the game.

First Closed Beta Coming on October 17th

2p.com is reporting that Black Desert will enter its first beta event on October 17th and that it will run through October 23rd. The information was revealed during a Korean LAN party along with four classes that will be available to testers during the event.

First Look Gameplay Video

The folks at Pearl Abyss have released this long 7-minute plus video detailing the gameplay of the highly anticipated Sandbox MMORPG, Black Desert.

Daeil Kim On What Sets Their Game Apart

In recent weeks, Black Desert has been making people's heads turn. We managed to catch up to Daeil Kim to talk with him about what makes Black Desert so unique and different from any other MMO out there. See what the difference is before weighing in on the discussion in the comments.

E3 2013 - Our First Look

During E3 last week, we managed to get one of the first-ever views of Pearl Abyss's Black Desert. Check out our preview and then let us know what you think in the comments.