You saw our picks for the best games of 2018 already, and this past week we turned the votes over to you. Roughly 3,000 of you voted, and the results are in today... here they are, your 2018 Players' Choice Award Winners!
While our fearless leader (the guy writing this) keeps playing FO76 almost daily, it's clear that the press and players alike were none too impressed with Fallout 76's take on persistent online survival gameplay. A load of expectations and a bunch of spectacular bugs made FO76 the biggest letdown of 2018. Here's hoping they can pull an ESO and turn things around in 2019.
What did you really expect? PUBG came admirably in 2nd, but Epic's cash cow is the new hotness in the gaming world, and is poised to remain that way for 2019.
Capturing over 40% of the total vote, it seems everyone was in love with Kassandra this year, as Ubisoft turned Assassin's Creed from a stealth action game into a massive open world RPG to rival The Witcher series. Grats to you, Misthios.
With a whopping 52% of the vote, everyone seemed to agree - Digital Extremes ninjas-in-space online shooter is the best example of "almost MMO" out there. With massive updates culminating in the astounding Fortuna release late in 2018, it's no wonder this action game keeps signing up players.
Though I feel like many readers have been saying it for years, it seems the general public is catching up and realizing that ESO is one of the genre's best and brightest. A stellar year with Summerset and Murkmire behind them, ZOS now turns their sites to Elsweyr as this year's chapter. Let's see what it brings...
BioWare seems to always attract a throng of hopeful gamers, even with the letdown of Mass Effect Andromeda still in its wake. And count me among the 52% of voters who chose Anthem over games like Division 2 and Skull and Bones as their most wanted new online game this year.
This was a tight race. We only included games we expect to come out in the West in 2019, and while Crowfall and Torchlight Frontiers were 2nd and 3rd, it seems there's a huge amount of people dying for the 2019 expected launch of Lost Ark. Given the response the game has seen from western gamers via YouTube and Twitch, one would expect SmileGate to get cracking on the localized version ASAP.
Beating out Black Desert Online by a mere 40 or so votes, ESO wins its 3rd consecutive Players' Choice Award as readers' favorite MMORPG. Congrats to the Zenimax Online Studios crowd, and knock us dead with this year's kitty-flavored DLC, would you?