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Finalist Voting Opens

Dana Massey Posted:
Awards 0

Finalists for Best Game: EVE Online and World of WarCraft

Through six categories, we wanted to know about specific aspects of your favorite MMORPGs. In our final category, we simply want to know which game is the absolute best MMOG experience available on the market today? Last year, EVE took home the honors, but as usual they'll face some stiff competition.

Your initial voting left you with two alternatives. WoW or EVE. Simple as that, which is the best MMO for your buck out there right now?

Which of these finalists was your favorite MMO in 2006?

67.0% » EVE Online
33.0% » World of Warcraft

(Voting is now closed. Final results are shown.)

The Finalists

EVE Online, CCP Games

It took home the prize here too last year and early returns give it a chance to defend. Can it hold off the challenge of the 800lbs gorilla below? Both games were nominated for virtually every category possible, so it's only right that it come down to these two for the big prize.

World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft has 7,000,000 subscribers and EVE 150,000. Yet, in our awards, that doesn't seem to matter. We cater to a more hardcore community it would seem, which may actually make the Goliath into David in this category. Nonetheless, we want to know which game of the two you like better.

Thank you for voting in our 2006 Reader's Choice Awards! Check back later this month for full winners.