Finalists for Favorite New Game: AA, DDO, Guild Wars or none of the above?
2006 was another big year for the MMORPG genre. Dozens of games have hit shelves and digital downloads for players to enjoy and today we want to know which one you enjoyed the most. This is judged by overall quality of all aspects. Basically, it's up to you.
We received a lot of feedback on this category and a huge number of people skipped voting this one entirely. So, with that in mind, Auto Assault, Dungeons and Dragons Online and Guild Wars Factions/Nightfall are joined by a fourth option: none of the above. Quantity does not always mean quality, so if you think no game deserves the award this year, you have that option.
The Finalists
Auto Assault, NCSoft / NetDevil
It's original and garnered enough votes to qualify for the award. In 2006, it may well have been one of the better titles. Auto Assault gives players mad-max style car combat in a post-apocalyptic world. Is this the best of 2006?
Dungeons and Dragons Online, Turbine Entertainment
Turbine took home most anticipated last year, but does DDO stand up to the test of time? How does reality compare to the hype. The game has been out for months to mixed reviews, but remains the only true D&D driven MMORPG, which is shocking given the reach of that IP.
Guild Wars: Factions / Nightfall, NCSoft / ArenaNet
One of two games leaving the fantasy genre in this category, Pirates of the Burning Sea lets players sail, have peg legs and fire cannons. The game's been a long time coming and getting closer to launch. Do you celebrate speak like a pirate day? If so, this may be the game to vote for.
None of the Above
Let's be honest. Auto Assault was a commercial disaster and Dungeons and Dragons Online has not lived up to the hype that won it last year's award. Guild Wars is a hit, but do the two new games really qualify as new games? Many would argue no. With that in mind, we offer you this option: tell the MMO industry to do better and vote for the trash can.
Click on to the next page to vote on your Favorite Game!