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Finalist Voting Opens

Dana Massey Posted:
Awards 0

Finalists for Graphics: EverQuest II, EVE Online and World of WarCraft

This category is about more than just polygons. When selecting from this drop-down menu of every MMO in commercial service, keep in mind animation, art direction and technical quality of the graphics themselves. Also, please try not to consider graphical upgrades or changes on the horizon, but only the graphics as they exist today.

Last year, EVE Online took home the bacon and after the preliminary voting, they're back to defend it. World of Warcarft and EverQuest II are all that stand between EVE and a repeat. Honorable mention goes out to Lineage II and Guild Wars, who both narrowly missed the final stage.

Which of these finalists has your favorite graphics in 2006?

61.4% » EVE Online
23.4% » EverQuest II
15.2% » World of Warcraft

(Voting is now closed. Final results are shown.)

The Finalists

EverQuest II, Sony Online Entertainment

EverQuest II joins the field again this year with its technically solid graphics. Overshadowed by its launch-brother World of Warcraft, SOE pushed the envelope on this product and achieved a high degree of technical excellence. The question is, does the art direction do the technical direction justice?
EVE Online, CCP Games

EVE Online took home last year's hardware taking home over half the votes. Now, they're a year older and even CCP Games admitted at their recent fan fest that the graphics badly needed updating. The new screenshots from the DX9 client due out next year look impressive, but how do the graphics as they stand today stack up against the rest of the field?
World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft is the polar opposite of EverQuest II. It has impeccable art direction, but low-tech graphics. It's an eternal debate of style vs. substance, with some preferring to push their graphics cards to the limits, while others just want something pleasing to the eye.
Click on to the next page to vote on your Favorite PvE Experience of 2006.