Dark or Light

E3 2009 Awards

Dana Massey Posted:
Awards 0

Editor’s Choice: DC Universe Online (SOE Austin / SOE)

(Our Preview / Our Video Interview)

If the goal of a super-hero game is to make the player feel like a super-hero, DC Universe Online pulls it off and then some.

When you deal with a huge license, you toy with emotions. Of any IP driven game at E3, this is the one that was the truest to its source and likely to please fans of the license it’s based on, as well as gamers in general.

When I think of superheroes, I dream of flying around, running at super speeds and smiting my enemies. DC Universe Online may not have the complexities of dozens of abilities on the hotbar, but that’s not always a bad thing.

Sony Online Entertainment also did a fantastic job with what seemed like a near on impossible task: integrating the DC characters without making the players feel like guest stars in their own game. Superman and Batman are there, they’re important to the game, but the adventures still feel like they’re from the perspective of the player and that their contributions really matter.

It remains to be seen if this game has the long term depth to keep people entertained, but PvP has proven to be a popular retention tool and combined with well crafted, organic and heroic missions, SOE is definitely on the right track.

No game at E3 made the player feel more like they and their character are one than DC Universe Online.

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