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2010 Awards: Biggest News Story

Drew Wood Posted:
Awards 0

The month of December has come and gone, taking 2010 with it. Some say good riddance, some look back fondly, but no matter how you slice it, that puppy’s behind us and we’re all moving forward to 2011. For the team here at MMORPG.com, we’ve just got one tiny loose thread to tie up before we officially start the new year: We have to announce the winners of the 2010 MMORPG.com Reader’s Choice Awards!

This year, our categories were: Game of the Year, New Game of the Year, Most Innovative, Most Improved, Best F2P, Favorite Company, Biggest News Story, Most Anticipated, and the newest, and most dubious, addition to our prizes, Biggest Disappointment.

The rules were simple: For readers, look at the nominees and vote. One vote per person. We frown on cheating. For nominees: You may inform your community about your nomination, but may not otherwise unduly skew the voting by telling them who to vote for.

2010 Biggest News Story

Biggest News Story was a well-discussed category this year, eliciting passionate conversation in our forums, in the comments and amongst the staff. Ultimately, the voting broke down as such:

Gods & Heroes Revival   10.7%
All Points Bulletin: Death and Resurrection   22.7%
$335,000 Virtual Property   23.9%
The Rise of Freemium Gaming   42.7%

It shouldn't come as a surprise that one of the biggest trends in MMOGs today should capture the attention of the bulk of our readers. The possibilities are endless and though the street is just starting to get paved, so to speak, the MMO industry could itself change quite drastically if this trend is to continue.

Thank you for voting, thank you for reading, and thank you all for letting us know what you think in our comments. I hope your 2010 was great, and we'll see you at the end of 2011 for the next installment of MMORPG.com's Annual Reader's Choice Awards!