I'm probably not the best person to write this preview of our upcoming content. My children are four-legged and poop in the house when I leave them home along too long. Still, Mrs. Bill and I are trying, and it won't be long until I have my own diapered nerd running around the house slaying dragons with a bed-sheet tied to his neck like a cape. I'm sure there is a healthy mix of people here who either A.) have children that game, B.) are children that game with their parents or C.) are husbands and wives that game together. And so it's in that spirit of familial MMO-ing, that we bring you Family Week at MMORPG.com.
Don't be afraid, you'll still get your weekly dose of Coyote Sharptongue, Hillary "Pokket" Nicole, Isabelle Parsley, and all the rest of our regular and exclusive features. But peppered throughout the week there will be a ton of content geared towards games that the whole family can enjoy. I mean, it's the holiday season, right? What better time to think about gaming together, than when we're supposed to be spending lots of time together?
What's Coming This Week?
- Monday - Wizard 101 Review
- Tuesday - The Digital Parent Column
- Tuesday - Devil's Advocate: Kids Games Don't Suck
- Wednesday - Exclusive W101 Code Give Away
- Wednesday - The Game Hopper: Fantage
- Thursday - 360Kid.Org Interview
- Friday - Wizard 101 Zafaria Impressions
And all of this, plus all the stuff we normally bring you. Game Face is back again this week, right next to Coyote Sharptongue, Paul Crilley's adventures in Rift, Isabelle's perspectives on gaming, Mike's SWTOR column, Ross McDermott's EVE column, and so much more. Hope you enjoyed this brief look at the week ahead on MMORPG.com. Be sure to check in throughout the week... we may have a few surprises up our sleeves.
This is not what we mean by quality time...
Cheers and happy gaming!
Your Humble Editor,
Bill Murphy
PS - Thanks, Brezel, for the photo!