From November 28th to December 2nd, we here at will be celebrating the thrill of gaming with the family. We'll be reviewing some of the industry's brightest young family games and talking about the ups and downs of gaming with our families. Peek inside for a look at what's to come.
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is an upcoming game from Sony Online Entertainment based on the Free Realms engine. Recently,'s Alan Smithee had the chance to check out Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures even though he doesn't fit the 10-year-old boy demographic. Check out his impressions.'s Garrett Fuller had the chance to check out a demo version of Bethesda's Hunted: The Demon Forge at this summer's E3. Hunted: The Demon Forge is a single-player action RPG and, while not usually's thing, Garrett gives some compelling reasons to check this one out. writer Chris Higgins takes a look at the first 20 levels in SOE's classic MMORPG EverQuest II, focusing in on the game as someone completely unfamiliar with the EverQuest franchise.
With the head start already under way,'s Sean Bulger writes his first impressions of the highly anticipated game.
Soon after a game's launch, we like to have the game's reviewer offer his first impressions to give players an idea of what they can expect early on. Today, Michael Bitton files his report on Champions Online. Correspondent Grant Henderson takes a first look at AfterWrold, the free market MMO.'s Grant Henderson writes this look at Deicide, a game that didn't leave him wanting more.'s Matt Plourde was inspired ocver the holidays to play Wizard 101 with his niece. Today, he presents us with his early impressions of the game. StarQuest Online Correspondent Allen Richardson writes this introduction to the space-based MMORPG, StarQuest Online. Correspondent Mike Balent writes this At A Glance look at the java-based game Wurm Online that apprently holds more than some readers might expect.
News Manager Keith Cross has been playing Dreamlords: The Reawakening and shares his mixed feelings about the MMORPG and RTS hybrid game.
Our At A Glance articles are meant to give readers an overview of the early portion of an MMORPG, new or old. Today, UK based writer Donna Desborough sends us this quick look at the FPS-style Planetside. Staff Writer Carolyn Koh has been sailing the high seas in the newest MMOG offering from Disney Online in the form of Pirates of the Caribbean Online, a game targeted toward audiences ages ten and up.
At A Glance articles are designed to give readers an accurate overview of an MMO's free trial. For two weeks, Laura Genender has been playing in EVE Online and today, she shares her experiences with us.