ArcheAge Articles

A new video has been released by the ArcheAge team that shows off the races and customization options for each. It's an inside peek at what's going on in Closed Beta Test #5. Enjoy!

ArcheAge closed beta test #5 video that shows off character customization

The ArcheAge team has released a brand new trailer featuring a look at some of the features that players can expect to find during closed beta test #5. According to the AA Facebook page: "New house styles, new clothing styles, new stuff to construct and craft! New mounts, new pet system too! CBT5 is coming!"

New house styles, new clothing styles, new stuff to construct and craft! New mounts, new pet system too! CBT5 is coming!

XLGAMES plans on releasing a series of story teaser videos for their upcoming sandbox MMO, ArcheAge, and today we've got the first one just for you! The debut entry to the series features Orchidna, the cousin of Kyprosa Daeior.

ArcheAge is one of those games that has gathered an impressive number of fans as it slowly makes its way into the MMO space. During this year's E3, we had the opportunity to chat with Suk Woo Choi to talk about all things ArcheAge. You won't want to miss this one so keep reading!

Fans of ArcheAge will want to keep an eye on the newly activated Facebook page. Though written in Korean, Facebook provides a handy translation option that by all accounts works very well. Check it out for yourself!

This is Game has a terrific write up of the fourth closed beta event for ArcheAge. The dev team has committed itself to over three months of closed beta testing in order to ensure that the most bug-free version of the game is released in its time.

According to a post on ArcheAge-Source, the official Korean site has been updated with an announcement that the closed beta test will be extended an extra two weeks to polish the recently released siege warfare system.

The ArcheAge team has released a brand new video to send the dev team's holiday greetings out to the world. Enjoy!

The ArcheAge team has released a brand new video to send the dev team's holiday greetings out to the world. Enjoy!

The ArcheAge team has filmed the log in video that players participating in the Korean closed beta see. Use your imagination and pretend it's YOU! Enjoy!

The ArcheAge team has filmed the log in video that players participating in the Korean closed beta see. Use your imagination and pretend it's YOU! Enjoy!

A site user at ArcheAge Source has translated the patch notes for the Korean closed beta #4 that has just kicked off. Most notably, new ships have been added and a new donkey mount is now available for players among many other things.

XLGames and the ArcheAge team has released a new game play video from the Korean closed beta test currently ongoing. Check it out!