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ArcheAge Articles

Russian Beta & Trion Talks

Since my article two weeks ago discussing the issues revolving around the 1.0 patch a few things have happened. ArcheAge in Russia entered their open beta on February 22nd allowing for even more people to get their hands on the game. The launch of this version has led to several English communities forming in a few different servers with a popular one being Nova. In the process players are of course dealing with large queues as long as a few hours to get into a server.

MMOZG.net Interviews Jake Song Ahead of Russian Beta Start

Today marks the commencement of the localized Russian ArcheAge open beta. As part of the preparation for the big event, XLGames' Jake Song was in Moscow and our friends at MMOZG.net were allowed time with him for a rapid-fire ten minute interview. We have been given permission to post the English translation of the interview here at MMORPG.com.

Trion Returns from Korea & XLGames Visit

Trion Worlds has updated the ArcheAge site with a new blog post that details the team's trip to Korea to visit XLGames, developers of the forthcoming MMO. The two teams spent time discussing the game and efforts to bring a quality Westernized version of ArcheAge to this side of the Pacific. In addition, this little tidbit dropped during the discussion of free-form play: You can be a Sky Pirate.

Is the Sand Leaving the Box?

XL Games has been calling their MMORPG title ArcheAge a sandpark for quite a while now, a mixture of a themepark and a sandbox game. One would assume it's certainly a sandpark game. You've got trading along the vast seas, 120 different class combinations, castle sieging, housing, and more allowing for players to really leave their impact on the world. But wait a second, let's take a look at a recent update to the Korean version that has some people not quite so happy!

The Road to Open Beta Begins February 14th in Russia

The ArcheAge Mail.ru site has been updated with the timeline to open beta. Beginning with preliminary character creation on Friday, February 14th, then on to early access for game owners on Sunday, February 16th, the open beta for all kicks off on Saturday, February 22nd.

Finally Playable in English, Friends and Family Alpha Begins

The Holiday season marked a significant milestone for ArcheAge at Trion Worlds: the Friends and Family Alpha, up 24x7 minus any patches and maintenance is in full swing. We caught up with CEO Scott Hartsman to talk about the milestone and all the other things Trion’s been working on with ArcheAge... as well as when we could possibly see alpha and beta expand to other testers. Read on!

Korean Advancement, Russian Response

While word on the Trion Worlds adaptation of ArcheAge has gone quiet again, partly due to the holidays, it seems the Russian and Korean versions have been getting a bit of attention. Russian ArcheAge fans were able to spend some time in their localization of the game, while Korea is gearing up for an update that brings some more tweaks and longevity into the formula. Let’s jump into both topics, shall we?

Korean Players Preparing for v1.0 Update

ArcheAge Korea is getting ready to update to version 1.0 complete with a level cap increase, overhauled abilities and much more. To give players a preview of the upcoming alterations and additions to the game, a new video has been released. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Game On Speak and Library Dungeons

Our recent Game On podcast interview with Trion Worlds' CEO Scott Hartsman covered all things Trion but, most importantly, ArcheAge information. We've got the wrap report about what was said and our analysis of it. Read on!

Wishing for More Answers

In our latest ArcheAge column, we take a look back at last week's interview with Executive Director of XL Game ArcheAge Division Yinzi Cheng and how some of the answers received left us feeling that we needed to poke a few holes in the responses. See what we mean and then head to the comments to talk it over.

XLGAMES Address Monetization Worries

ArcheAge in Korea currently utilizes a rather complex monetization system. In a brand new interview, we spoke with Executive Director of XL Game ArcheAge Division Yinzi Cheng about the complicated system and about player concerns with it. Read on and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

Taking the Hits

Late this week, Trion's CEO, Scott Hartsman, headed over to ArcheAge Source to chat with the community about the localization efforts for the North American / European version of the game. We take a look at what Hartsman had to say and offer a little analysis. Check it out before leaving your thoughts in the comments.

What's Up with ArcheAge

Trion Worlds' CEO Scott Hartsman took time from his schedule to be interviewed by ArcheAge Source about what Trion Worlds has been up to recently with regard to the game's Western release. Hartsman talks about the localization efforts, game improvements and much more.

Calculations, Schmalculations

Recently, MMORPG.com hosted an AMA session with Trion Worlds' Scott Hartsman. In it, he revealed some potentially nifty information which we take a look at in our latest ArcheAge column. See what he said, what we think before heading to the comments to add your own ideas.

Dancing Bears

A new ArcheAge video has cropped up on the Korean YouTube page. In it, players are seen wearing what can only be described as "terribly cute bear costumes" and dancing the night away. Let's not forget the skydiving on a...bear kite? You have to see it to believe it. Let us know what you think!