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ArcheAge Articles

New Lore Series Debuts on AA Forums

Scapes has posted a nifty piece of news on the Trion ArcheAge forums. The team is embarking on a series of lore pieces to give fans and potential players a look at the story behind the game. As of today, a four-part prologue is available to read.

MMOZG.net Interviews Jake Song About Russian Version

MMOzg.net has another fantastic interview with ArcheAge's Jake Song. The team started with a list of questions and added more as answers were given. See what he had to say in this comprehensive new interview with our friends at MMOZG.net.

Team Live Stream Published

Trion Worlds has published its latest live stream video for ArcheAge. The group conducts a casual discussion of Trions' vision of the game. In this episode, construction is detailed and features a ton of in-game footage. Check it out and thanks to Rawfox for the forum post.

New FAQ Addresses Most Common Questions

A new FAQ has appeared on Trion's version of ArcheAge. The FAQ seeks to answer the most common questions that players have about the game, including alpha access, regional issues and much, much more.

This Week's AA News Round Up

A bit over a week ago GDC kicked off and with it came more ArcheAge news from Trion Worlds. More specifically, Producer Victoria Voss, Community Manager Evan Berman, and CEO Scott Hartsman were on the scene! If you haven't been following our column on ArcheAge, Bill Murphy's preview provides an informative overview on AA. Whereas Som Pourfarzaneh's preview gives a closer look to the sandbox side of the game.

Ask Us Anything Mega-Thread Started

The North American ArcheAge community team has started a mega thread on the official forums where players are invited to ask the team anything they wish about the game. There are parameters for the questions so it's worth heading to the thread to check them out and post your most burning questions.

Official Forums Now Live

Trion Worlds has officially opened the ArcheAge forums for North American and European fans to post on about the upcoming title. You can check them out at the link provided, keeping a close eye on them for news about forthcoming alpha and beta testing opportunities.

Live Stream Video Posted for Those Who Missed It

In case you missed yesterday's Trion Worlds live stream of the westernized version of ArcheAge, the video has been posted and features a whopping 48-minutes of the game in action. Leave us your thoughts after checking it out!

Trion to Show Off Its Version in Live Stream Event Today

North American and European fans will want to tune in to the Trion Worlds Twitch.tv channel today to check out a special live stream event of ArcheAge to show the 'westernized' version of the game. The live stream is expected to kick off at 3:00 p.m. PST / 6:00 p.m. EST / 11:00 p.m. CET.

It Only Does Everything™

One of the privileges of checking out an overseas game in its early stages of localization is the potential to view a highly polished gameplay experience, with the wide-eyed wonder that comes along with not knowing quite how anything works. This experience pretty much sums up Bill’s and my previews of ArcheAge, the upcoming sandbox MMORPG from Trion Worlds and XLGames, at Games Developers Conference this past week.

How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes

We learned a lot today about ArcheAge, coming from Trion and XLGames later this year. Sure we've seen the game in Korean, and in Russian now... but at GDC? Everything was translated and in English. And that detail alone, made everything else easier to grasp. Read on for a full bulleted list of the details we learned from today's meeting.

IP Blocking & a New Community Manager

Our last article was focusing on Trion Worlds stating they'll be making their way to the Game Developer Conference, going on for the next few days. This time around we have a two new topics to delve into, IP blocking and a new promising Community Manager on ArcheAge! Many of the things we discuss in today’s article were confirmed earlier this week in the exclusive MMORPG.com interview with Trion CEO Scott Hartsman.

Pre-GDC Interview Reveals Trion's Plan

Trion has been ramping up information dissemination about ArcheAge over the last few weeks. We managed to catch up to Scott Hartsman to find out more about Trion's plan and vision for the NA/EU version of the game. See what we discovered before heading to the comments to chat!

Expanding the Alpha Post-GDC, Release in 2014

Trion's new ArcheAge community manager Evan "Scapes" Berman has taken to the ArcheAge Source fansite with a long letter to discuss plans for the game in 2014. Among other things, Scapes mentioned that the alpha, currently in friends and family testing, will be expanded after this week's GDC. The team has big plans for GDC, including a new demo and a live stream event to be held on March 21st.

Trion Brings in Scapes and Ocho to Lead Community

As ArcheAge and Trove head forward into beta, the community team over at Trion is getting a huge bunch of help. Elizabeth Tobey recently left, but Evan "Scapes" Berman and Eric "Ocho" Cleaver are here to fill her shoes.