ArcheAge Articles

Here we are yet again, another day, another column, another post to discuss ArcheAge! My last column was mostly to discuss the news on Founder's Packs and a few other in-game experiences. Since then we've had one new blog post from Trion Worlds that discusses, “Traversing the World”. Let's leap into discussing that first and see where it goes.

Trion Worlds Twitch channel this week features the sixth installment of the Exploring ArcheAge livestream series. This episode Associate Producer Amanda "Amary" Fry and Senior Community Relations Manager Evan "Scapes" Berman cover the game's transportation options.

Welcome back into the world of ArcheAge! Last week I gave you a fresh look at ArcheAge after having played it for a few hours. Since then I've gone gliding, explored further, quested more, and of course got my hands on the crafting system. In terms of news the only new thing we've gotten was last week when Trion Worlds announced their three Founder's Packs.

The Korean version of ArcheAge has received an epic new aquatic mount in the form of a dolphin that comes with its own unique set of abilities. has a fantastic video that shows off the dolphin skills and game play. Let us know what you think.

Trion Worlds has gotten busy and put up the order site for ArcheAge Founder's Packs. All packs are available now. Check the information below to find just the right pack to suit your needs.

ArcheAge has some big plans for its upcoming Founder’s Pack program. For those of you in Alpha right now, you have gotten a taste of sandbox heaven with the game. Now players will get the chance to log in a little early, fly around on a glider, and lay the groundwork for their own space in the sandbox while waiting for the official launch later this year.

Ripper X takes a look at the world of ArcheAge, a vast MMORPG adventure free from predefined paths and progression. Build unique and elaborate homes, farms that drive the world economy, and massive castles to lay claim to rich and vibrant realms. Band together and fight for glory and fortune in huge PvP battles and epic naval combat -- or go beyond two factions and live the life of an outlaw. In this world, the choices are yours to make! Music Credits: Marcus Zuhr

The ArcheAge team will be on Twitch later today in the latest episode of Exploring ArcheAge. In today's event, the team will be discussing gliders and their unique abilities.

Instead of discussing the latest news Trion Worlds has on ArcheAge, we're going to focus on the game itself. Last week I found my way into the ArcheAge alpha and was finally able to get hands on with it to see what all the rage is from region to region for ArcheAge. Despite all the 1.0 patch nonsense, now I was able to see why everyone in the community has been voicing their opinions so loudly for Trion to hear.

Trion Worlds held another live stream, this time with Producer Victoria "FireCait" Voss and Community Manager Evan "Scapes" Berman discussing the game's combat classes and crafting skills. In case you missed it, here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Ripper X takes a look at the world of ArcheAge, a vast MMORPG adventure free from predefined paths and progression. Build unique and elaborate homes, farms that drive the world economy, and massive castles to lay claim to rich and vibrant realms. Band together and fight for glory and fortune in huge PvP battles and epic naval combat -- or go beyond two factions and live the life of an outlaw. In this world, the choices are yours to make! More Information:

Trion Worlds has put its ArcheAge team to work in a brand new ArcheAge live stream. This time, the AA team takes viewers on a virtual world tour that includes several locations around the game world.

Trion Worlds has sent word that the alpha for ArcheAge has officially kicked off and that the NDA has been lifted. Participants will be allowed to write about their impressions and much more. To celebrate the big occasion, Trion has released a brand new trailer. Check it out!

According to tipster, wnxsnowtiger, alpha invites for Trion's ArcheAge have been sent out. The invitations provide links and basic information for downloading the client to get started. Trion's new Glyph game platform will be required.

In addition to today's posting of the prelude to the ArcheAge game lore, Trion has also published a brand new 'feature preview' that deals with housing and farms. The article gives players a look at the types of property available, gives players tips on how to secure the plot of land they want along with attendant costs, and the construction of one's dream home.