ArcheAge Articles is pleased to present our fourth round of Archeage beta keys! These keys are for the all new "Conflict & Conquest" beta event that will run from 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Friday, August 22 and run through 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Wednesday, August 27. These keys won't last long so get yours now while supplies last!

In a new email from Trion Worlds, the team will be throwing a party at this year's PAX Prime, to be held next week. During the party, Trion is cryptically saying that something big will be announced. Perhaps the official launch of ArcheAge? Only time will tell! is pleased to present our third round of Archeage beta keys! These keys are for the all new 'Blood & Bounty' beta event that will run from 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Thursday, August 14 and run through 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) on Monday, August 18. These keys won't last long so get yours now while supplies last!

There are no brakes on the ArcheAge update train. XLGAMES released Patch 1.7 for the Korean version of ArcheAge last month and the features it added are pretty exciting. Let’s take a look at the changes.

The latest blog on the ArcheAge site takes a look back at the second closed beta event and gives players some insight into what changes may be in store for the third beta event set to begin today and run through the weekend. The team is taking a hard look at the Labor System and its attendant costs, working closely with XLGames in the process.

In the first of what we hope to become a regular feature on the site, we're presenting you a guest column written by a reader of Kyle is a longtime reader of the site, and approached us with a unique take on why ArcheAge appeals to him while Elder Scrolls online did not...

For a while I've been meaning to get a peek at ArcheAge, but somehow other things keep getting in the way. Fortunately, I was invited to Trion Worlds' Redwood Shores office for a combination media/community day. Some might say experiencing a game's high level content first is a bit like reading a book back to front. Still, having spent hours since then playing the beta version from the beginning, I'll admit I'm glad I did it that way.

Lucky ArcheAge fans with beta keys can now log in at 10:00 a.m. PDT and take part in the second closed beta event that is slated to run from today through Monday, August 4th.

In the first Archeage podcast by MMORPG and SOAC, The crew discuss the different aspects of Archeage, and what makes it stand apart from the other MMOs. They dive into World PVP (Pirates), PVE's future. They focus on the combat system and the differences in combat solo play and group play. They get excited over the community involvement and living world. Visit, apologies on the typo!

Game On has hit episode 50! Chris celebrated the big number by sitting down with FireCait and Scapes from Trion Worlds to talk about upcoming game ArcheAge. They discuss how players have responded to the recent beta testing, what changes are in Patch 1.2, and the relationship between publisher Trion and developer XL Games.

There’s been some controversy on various social media and MMO fan communities over Trion Worlds’ implementation of ArcheAge’s F2P cash shop and Patron subscription model. Let’s review all the items available for purchase with real money in the shop. Keep in mind that currently 150 credits seem to be equivalent to one real world US dollar, according to the Founders Pack shop page (7500 credits, $50 value). is pleased to present our second round of Archeage beta keys! These keys are for the all new "Setting Sail" beta event that will run from July 29th 10AM PDT through August 4th 10AM PDT, 2014. These keys won't last long so get yours now while supplies last!

Trion Worlds has announced the second closed beta event for ArcheAge. The next opportunity for testers to check out the game will occur on Wednesday, July 30th and run through Monday, August 4th. In addition, the team announced that the servers for the game's first beta event filled up in just eighteen minutes!

ArcheAge is going to be a divisive game... just not for the reasons you might think. We spent some time with the first of several closed beta events for Trion's upcoming North American release of the game, and we're suitably enamored. But there's a sneaking suspicion we all have about ArcheAge: we're afraid that its underlying complexity is going to be hidden by the upfront simplicity of its questing and PVE design. In short, too many people are going to skip this one based on the first couple o

ArcheAge is going to be a divisive game… just not for the reasons you might think. We spent some time with the first of several closed beta events for Trion’s upcoming North American release of the game, and we’re suitably enamored. But there’s a sneaking suspicion we all have about ArcheAge: we’re afraid that its underlying complexity is going to be hidden by the upfront simplicity of its questing and PVE design.