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The Next 35,000 Invites Going Out

Drew Wood Updated: Posted:
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The APB Reloaded crew have announced that the next 35,000 beta invites were headed out yesterday. As well, the developers discuss "the giant virtual currency leased weapon debate". Check it out!

The second item I want to address head on is the peculiar outcry over the leased-weapon expiration for weapons bought using virtual in-game money. So, I will be VERY frank about it. We have done this for two reasons (1) it actually LOWERS the amount of in-game cash (virtual in game money - which really equals TIME spent in the game) that you need to spend in order to try out every single weapon and find your favorite gun. In some cases it lower this "cost" (ie time spent) substantially before you get a chance to try the guns (as in the item now costing tens of thousands of in-game cash instead of MILLIONS as it was before), and (2), we are (and always planned) to use leased weapons (for real cash) and premium account access as a way to monetize the game - but not before you get a REALLY fair chance to TRY these weapons and features completely for FREE!

Read all about it at the APB: Reloaded blog.


Drew Wood