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Anarchy Online Articles

Anarchy Online Is Celebrating Its 20th Anniversary With A New Retrospective Video

Anarchy Online is celebrating 20 years on June 27th, and the team at Funcom is looking back on the last two decades of the game in a new retrospective.

Anniversary Event Begins for Anarchy Online on February 25

Anarchy Online is receiving an Anniversary Event on the classic server, Rubi Ka 2019.

Hit the Ground Running with Anarchy Online's Progression Server Starting Today

It's official! The first Anarchy Online progression server is now live. Called Rubi-Ka 2019 (or simply RK2019), the server was switched on today. The handy FAQ provides a few nuggets of information including the fact that RK2019 is Funcom's "unique take on a fresh-start experience. Subscribers are invited to start anew with a pure experience - no expansions, lower level caps, and an untouched economy to begin!"

Anarchy Online Devs Planning a Progression Server for 2019

If progression servers are you bailiwick, you may be interested to note that Funcom is planning an Anarchy Online progression server in 2019. According to the game's Facebook page, "Anarchy Online's 2019 server invites you on a voyage across space...and time! Start fresh with original content from launch, then experience additional expansions and level caps over time. Coming soon!"

Steam Launch Day Arrives for the 16-Year-Old Veteran

Proving that things get better with age, Funcom's Anarchy Online has reached another seminal point in its history. It is now an officially launched Steam MMO. AO will be free to play with an in-game shop and will additionally feature trading cards and achievements.

Fifteenth Anniversary Fete Kicks Off - All Are Invited

All current and former Anarchy Online players are invited to take part in the game's fifteenth anniversary celebration that will be running from now through July 11th. Players will be able to check out all of the game's latest updates including the addition of the changes to the PvP Notum Tower fields, new Research Lines for high level players, new Veteran Shop rewards and skill increases.

New Engine Version Now Available

The Anarchy Online forum has been updated with a post that indicates that the new engine version of the game is now available for download and installation. Additionally, a Reddit petition has begun to urge developers to start a brand new server using the new engine.

Across the Board Improvements Featured in Latest Update

The latest Anarchy Online update has been released that features across the board improvements in nearly every game feature. Players can look forward to a new starting area, new ICC headquarters, battlestation updates, changes to the parry/deflect system and new additions to the item shop.

Holiday Membership Offers

Funcom has sent out an offer that many Anarchy Online fans won't want to pass up. The team is offering some awesome membership sales including free game time on purchase of a subscription.

Celebrating its 12th Anniversary

Funcom has announced that Anarchy Online is celebrating its twelfth big anniversary. The team will be celebrating the momentous occasion with several in game events that players won't want to miss.

Wayback Wednesday with AO Devs

This week's edition of Wayback Wednesday features a venerable old game, Anarchy Online. Grakulen is joined by Anarchy Online's Game Director Fia Tjernberg and Dave Williams from Funcom. Check it out to find out what they discussed and experienced during Wayback Wednesday with AO Devs.

Fia Tjernberg Interview & New Engine Video

MMORPG.com has partnered with Funcom to bring our readers a brand new interview with Anarchy Online Game Director Fia Tjernberg. In addition to that, we have a first-ever video featuring the new look that Anarchy Online will sport when the new engine sets into place. Read on!

New Engine Preview

Funcom has partnered with MMORPG.com to bring our readers a first-ever look at the big changes coming to Anarchy Online with the new engine in place. Enjoy! http://www.mmorpg.com

Ch-ch-ch-changes Incoming!

The latest Anarchy Online Monthly Update has arrived with all sorts of news about big changes coming to the game. The update covers the new game engine, the overhauled new player experience, profession changes, server migrations and more. It's a must-read for AO fans.

Monthly Update Letter Debuts

The first in a series of monthly update letters has appeared on the Anarchy Online site. Fia "Lindelu" Tjernberg announces in her post that the graphics team will shortly be producing and publishing a new video to show off the new graphics engine and that new bug reporting forums have been created.