
Dark or Light

Looking at the Priest of Mitra

Jon Wood Posted:
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MMORPG.com Age of Conan Correspondent Garrett Perkins writes this basic look at the Priest of Mitra class in Funcom's bloody MMO.

Hailing from noble Aquillonia this priest conveys the word of Mitra, the patron god of the kingdom. Unlike Crom, who cares little for those who believe in his presence, or Set, who would have blood sacrifices and men crawl on their bellies like the serpent he embodies, Mitra cares deeply for his followers. Depicted as a great white bearded man bathed in light he would see his people stand on their feet when taking part in prayer and is forgiving to any who truly seek redemption. Granting a small portion of his immense power to some of his chosen followers so that they may bring his light to the darkest of places of Hyboria; this is the Priest of Mitra. He is able to heal the most fatal of wounds and smite the darkest of enemies.

Read Looking at the Priest of Mitra


Jon Wood